[01:02:44] PR is created; https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/pull/649 [01:03:08] Once this is approved with any comments integrated i will create the 4.7.2-rc tag in the repo [01:03:19] @salmonskinroll @aguycalled @mxaddict [01:03:24] on it [01:11:45] sorry @salmonskinroll i forgot to save the markdown file lol [01:11:55] the release notes have been updated correctly now [01:12:00] no problem [01:15:41] any good ideas on how to randomize network topology? [01:15:57] for the script [01:37:53] the script just runs on local devnet right? [01:49:49] yup [01:50:42] boots up set number of nodes and the use some/all of them to create/spam proposals and votings. [01:51:14] currently tested boosting up 16 nodes and running 8 nodes to spam the network. [01:51:44] it's really well set up by aguycalled already, im just expanding its functions [01:55:51] @prole approved the PR, especially the "celebrate with community" part 🙂 🎉 [04:47:48] You guys are fast, I just went to sleep for a bit and now there are like 3 new PRs all merged ❤️ [09:32:20] @aguycalled I have a testnode that forked [09:32:30] After compiling based on latest master [09:32:36] I'll PM you the data dir [09:34:35] Running 09f0531 commit hash [09:47:50] I also have another testnet node that ran into an issue after running reindex-chainstate (forced when running on master branch version) [09:47:53] 2019-12-13 08:42:12 ERROR: VerifyDB(): *** the cfund db state hash differs after reconnecting blocks. it was 0fa555698cdbc9b0b96355cd92526701cfad5d39933a10c0620dd5d8eb82a96a, it is 154018b56ff2bf202d524c85d88c0ac4443f7f9611b106d582da2674a2b64b30 after. [09:49:18] @aguycalled @salmonskinroll @prole did you guys have any issues after compiling and running master branch and running them with a datadir from 4.7.1 version? [09:57:31] Strange, the node that got this error actually did not fork: 2019-12-13 08:42:12 ERROR: VerifyDB(): *** the cfund db state hash differs after reconnecting blocks. it was 0fa555698cdbc9b0b96355cd92526701cfad5d39933a10c0620dd5d8eb82a96a, it is 154018b56ff2bf202d524c85d88c0ac4443f7f9611b106d582da2674a2b64b30 after. [10:31:11] i think you are not on the last master @mxaddict [10:31:42] ive added extra log when that happens and is not in the log u pasted [10:32:53] I'll double check the hash [10:33:07] Did you check debug.log that i PMed you? [10:33:14] That is the node that forked [10:33:35] And it was running 09f0531 commit hash [10:33:37] will do now [10:55:16] @mxaddict it looks like your node was already forked on the 10th dec [10:55:31] the hashes that appear at the beginning of debug.log are not right [10:56:01] what version were u running by then? [10:56:48] I see [10:57:08] The version running before the upgrade was 4.7.1 [10:57:12] That explains it [10:57:26] was your node on the telegram channel? [10:57:41] No [10:59:47] Thanks for the help @aguycalled [10:59:53] I guess it was a false alarm [10:59:56] 😄 [11:00:02] np 👍 [11:00:17] My other testnet node synced up fine after reindex [11:00:34] The one that had this error: 2019-12-13 08:42:12 ERROR: VerifyDB(): *** the cfund db state hash differs after reconnecting blocks. it was 0fa555698cdbc9b0b96355cd92526701cfad5d39933a10c0620dd5d8eb82a96a, it is 154018b56ff2bf202d524c85d88c0ac4443f7f9611b106d582da2674a2b64b30 after. [11:00:56] Is it normal for it to be able to get back on the correct chain even when this error happens? [11:03:23] that was caused by a wrong patch we reverted [11:04:45] https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/issues/650 i've created a pr to log our sync tests for the rc @mxaddict @prole @salmonskinroll [11:08:16] @aguycalled the ERROR: VerifyDB() erro that I got was on a node running my GUI PR + merged latest master [11:08:38] Which commit was the fix for this? [11:08:57] So I can compare the code on my branch with what it's suposed to look like [11:15:49] Weirdly enough, I have a mainnet wallet running the same GUI PR + master build, and it had zero issues. [11:16:05] Was able to reindex and sync fully [11:17:02] was introduced in 561339d and fixed/reverted in f3fa184 [11:19:45] Thanks [11:19:53] Looks like my PR branch has that correct patch [11:20:01] Hmmm [11:20:55] I'll investigate further [16:20:37] for the first check It opens with a previous synced data folder and stays synced. I thought it wouldn't open with older data folders? [16:21:00] i meant it is able to migrate from an old database [16:21:37] in the gui happens automatically [16:22:25] so for GUI, open the new master with an old folder, woiuldn't the GUI prompt a windows saying reindex-chainstate required? [16:22:47] it should ask the user if he wants to start reindexing [16:23:14] oh, i guess i just always clicked yes. but i remember if clicking no, it'll close the client. no? [16:23:19] yup [16:24:10] so what this means It opens with a previous synced data folder and stays synced. is it'll stay sync launching with -reindex=0, but clicking yes for reindexing after getting the windows? [16:25:23] When launching the node with an old data folder, the wallet tells the user about the need to reindex and is correctly synced once finished [16:25:37] something like this [16:25:52] gotcha. that makes sense [20:35:30] just catching up on this. so is there another patch for 4.7.2? or is that all some old issue that's already resolved right? [20:36:33] im just re-running the failed travis job to see if it will pass [20:36:51] and then i can merge and make the rc tag and kick off my gitian builder [20:37:11] id say its already solved from what mx said [20:37:23] cool, just double checking [20:37:32] cool you can compare the hashes with those of build.nav.community [20:37:41] sure [21:18:05] @prole is bootstrap.navcoin.org offline? [21:23:50] looks available to me? [21:23:51] https://bootstrap.navcoin.org/ [21:24:43] last bootstrap date is 10 december [21:25:00] which means maybe it forked and stopped producing bootstraps [21:25:03] ill have to check [21:26:06] no its on the same best block as navexplorer [21:26:20] actually i remember now, its doing weekly bootstraps instead of daily [21:26:28] to give us time to pull it incase of a fokr [21:26:33] so its working as expected [21:26:37] can't you access it? [21:27:52] ok now its working it was showing nginx default site before [21:27:57] weird [21:28:05] ah [21:28:10] http shows nginx [21:28:15] https shows the bootstrap dir [21:54:13] I'll make http Auto redirect [22:49:19] im adding random transactions into the script but i can't get it to work [22:49:25] 😔 [22:51:10] nvm im just found out. im so stupid [22:59:30] do you guys think it'll be needed to convert the bash script to python test? [23:00:24] i dont think its necessary [23:00:30] cool cool