[09:09:08] @aguycalled did you have to use a patched kernel to run on AMD? Or did the normal OSX kernel run on Ryzen? [10:27:51] @mxaddict yes you need a patched kernel but the process was easy as soon as i read the full guide -> https://khronokernel-2.gitbook.io/ [10:30:10] let it mining RandomX overnight, peak of 14KH/s [10:33:14] Nice [10:33:54] OSX with 12c/24t ❤️ [10:34:09] for a fraction of the price [18:05:54] i brought again to life https://build.nav.community [18:06:05] and wrote a pair of scripts [18:06:06] https://github.com/navbuilder/autobuilder/tree/master [18:06:45] i will have a server running those, they will cycle through the open pull requests and gitian build the last commit. will post a comment with a link if successful [18:19:59] wow that' a lot of building 🙂 [22:55:41] it should start spitting builds on the comments at any moment