[00:07:44] DM'd you [05:28:23] i got my gitian working, im trying to build the whole stack again [05:28:55] eh fuck my binaries are different hashes again to you guys [05:29:10] might have to blow away the gitian builder and start again [05:29:54] i have the ones you DM'd me salmonskin but alex's server with the osx ones has gone offline for em [05:29:56] *me [05:30:33] what steps did you take to get the same hashes @salmonskinroll ? removed the gitian-builder folder and recloned it? [05:31:08] yeah [05:31:32] and then git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 [05:31:43] from there, everything else is the same [05:31:55] okay [05:32:32] @roast the same gitian instructions exist for navcoin in our repo [05:33:06] https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/blob/master/doc/gitian-building.md [05:33:31] im not sure if its up to date though? did this guide work for you when you first got it going @salmonskinroll ? [05:34:16] i actually didn't know there is a guide, msaddict just guided me through and i didn't use VMs, i have a couple linux machines that i can use [05:35:40] let's see, here is all the commands that i used to do a gitian build on my ubuntu machines [05:35:42] sudo apt install git build-essential sudo apt install docker ruby git clone https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git && git clone https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core.git && sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) (LOG OUT AND LOG BACK IN TO CONTINUE) cd gitian-builder && bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit navcoin-core= --url [05:35:42] navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml [05:36:38] I won't be using a VM [05:38:32] obviously replace the etc. with actual values [05:41:48] @roast to verify the builds [05:41:55] You will need to use the VM [05:42:11] As it's part of keeping the builds reproduceable/deterministic in nature [05:42:31] well, either a VM or a dedicated VPS [05:42:33] right? [05:42:37] So that you can get the same resulting binary as other devs to verify that nothing is injected into them 😄 [05:42:47] Yeah, either or [05:42:57] But the docker VMs are so much simpler to use [05:43:28] oops, right. i meant i didn't set up a VM like the one in the guide i guess [05:43:48] OK, so if I follow this [05:43:56] sudo apt install git build-essential sudo apt install docker ruby git clone https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git && git clone https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core.git & sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) (LOG OUT AND LOG BACK IN TO CONTINUE) cd gitian-builder git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit [05:43:57] navcoin-core= --url navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml [05:44:14] The instructions that @salmonskinroll sent are all you should need 🙂 [05:44:23] Yes, that looks correct @roast [05:44:35] ok. thanks @mxaddict [05:45:17] ive done a fresh clone of the gitian builder, ill see how i get on [05:45:25] see you in 4 hours [05:45:26] lol [05:55:00] @mxaddict [05:55:02] USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit navcoin-core= --url navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml [05:56:10] @mxaddict The key fingerprint is: SHA256:tWFrl4y2PmzfWuZQTNTSWCZaTVriMJWq3ZyoE1sT93k sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3 The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]----+ | o.O=| | B++| | + ..+. | | o *o+. | | S o+oo.| | ooo=.+.E| | ..=..o .| | .B * | | ..+o.o | +----[SHA256]-----+ bin/make-base-vm: 201: bin/make-base-vm: docker: not found [05:58:39] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~$ cd gitian-builder sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 Note: checking out 'd36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout. If you want to [05:58:40] create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b HEAD is now at d36b85d Remove useless whitespace sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in var/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in [05:58:40] var/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: SHA256:tWFrl4y2PmzfWuZQTNTSWCZaTVriMJWq3ZyoE1sT93k sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3 The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]----+ | o.O=| | B++| | + ..+. | | o *o+. | | S o+oo.| | ooo=.+.E| | ..=..o .| | .B * | | ..+o.o | +----[SHA256]-----+ bin/make-base-vm: 201: bin/make-base-vm: docker: not found [06:02:15] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 HEAD is now at d36b85d Remove useless whitespace [06:03:04] thats the same head i checked out [06:03:16] looks okay from what i understand [06:03:53] i'll try running from the top again. This is all new to me. [06:04:15] if it fails again, try running sudo apt install docker.io [06:04:32] and then run again [06:04:44] ok [06:11:20] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post [06:11:20] http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/build?buildargs=%7B%7D&cachefrom=%5B%5D&cgroupparent=&cpuperiod=0&cpuquota=0&cpusetcpus=&cpusetmems=&cpushares=0&dockerfile=base-bionic-amd64.Dockerfile&labels=%7B%7D&memory=0&memswap=0&networkmode=default&pull=1&rm=1&session=y8yewsmumse75sel8i6lza3x8&shmsize=0&t=base-bionic-amd64&target=&ulimits=null&version=1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied [06:11:20] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit navcoin-core= --url navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml bash: threads: No such file or directory [06:12:11] AFK for a few hours. Mums in hospital. [06:24:14] did you do the step sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) [06:24:19] then log out and log back in? [06:24:45] goodluck with your Mum! [09:29:24] my build is still going. taking a really long time after deleting all the files and starting from scratch [09:29:30] i will have to leave it running overnight [09:31:14] p.s. @salmonskinroll if you want to be able to build for OSX you need to get the dependencies for it [09:31:26] cd gitian-builder/inputs [09:31:32] wget https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz [09:31:42] then run your OSX build commands [10:40:23] Thanks @prole . She's good. [10:40:31] OK, I'm back. [10:41:47] sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) [10:44:13] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami) [sudo] password for sda6: sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 HEAD is now at d36b85d Remove useless whitespace sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at [10:44:14] unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.39/build?buildargs=%7B%7D&cachefrom=%5B%5D&cgroupparent=&cpuperiod=0&cpuquota=0&cpusetcpus=&cpusetmems=&cpushares=0&dockerfile=base-bionic-amd64.Dockerfile&labels=%7B%7D&memory=0&memswap=0&networkmode=default&pull=1&rm=1&session=5nwqoz24x2emnutryninaq87c&shmsize=0&t=base-bionic-amd64&target=&ulimits=null&version=1: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied [10:51:48] you need to relogin [10:52:00] get out of the shell and enter again @roast [10:52:24] Thanks @aguycalled . [10:52:45] It's doing something. [10:53:07] bin/make-base-vm --docker --arch amd64 --suite bionic [10:53:14] 🙂 [10:55:15] still going. [10:59:53] Successfully built 73291fe1f325 Successfully tagged base-bionic-amd64:latest [11:00:30] USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit navcoin-core= --url navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml [11:01:15] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j --commit navcoin-core= --url navcoin-core= ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-.yml bash: threads: No such file or directory [11:02:28] debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed [11:02:41] better install this. [11:12:52] you would need to substitute the parameters between <>s [11:13:34] USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j2 --commit navcoin-core=c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297 --url navcoin-core=http://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j2 --commit navcoin-core=c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297 --url navcoin-core=http://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml USE_DOCKER=1 [11:13:35] ./bin/gbuild -j2 --commit navcoin-core=c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297 --url navcoin-core=http://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml [11:13:43] like this [11:16:57] working 🙂 [11:21:16] Creating package manifest [11:34:08] E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mingw-w64/mingw-w64-x86-64-dev_5.0.3-1_all.deb Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com' E: Some files failed to download Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in [11:34:09]
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:123:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target -u root bash < target-bin/grab-packages.sh > var/base-bionic-amd64.manifest (RuntimeError) sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [11:34:39] I'll try it again [11:36:23] changing -j2 to -j8 [12:01:44] Win.yml bugged out. Trying linux.yml [12:18:45] Still ticking over. [12:19:24] Still processing. [12:23:14] Running build script. [12:32:05] Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:167:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target setarch x86_64 bash -x < var/build-script > var/build.log 2>&1 [12:32:06] (RuntimeError) [12:33:25] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [12:34:57] @aguycalled [12:36:29] I'll give the osx.yml a run for its money. [12:40:55] Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [12:42:06] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) [12:42:41] Creating package manifest [12:57:48] Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:167:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target setarch x86_64 bash -x < var/build-script > var/build.log 2>&1 [12:57:48] (RuntimeError) sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [12:58:19] lstat /home/sda6/gitian-builder/inputs/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz: no such file or directory [12:58:48] hmm. I'll try win again. [13:00:13] Starting target Checking if target is up. Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [13:02:26] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) [13:03:21] Creating package manifest [13:07:22] sorry not in front of a computer right now [13:07:35] will check asap [13:13:53] Creating build script (var/build-script) Running build script (log in var/build.log) [13:50:56] -- still running. [14:09:58] Grabbing results from target Grabbing cache from target Generating report b1dd88cdd8bf09af2539d0b345e647129d8fd55c92b6d824b6ecc53efd531028 navcoin-4.7.0-win.tar.gz 8f69569613d1de766cb52cd622a824d9b4da858ed02dc6e251c291e5e0dc6b4d navcoin-4.7.0-win32-debug.zip 9aec2b184f4c85ea3ccb2abb771d675baf6a9a6b1d18d5aea72ef08ccd370fdd navcoin-4.7.0-win32-setup-unsigned.exe 7fa8f6809821085b088906de91c724526e14711df9d2721215013f124f30674f [14:09:59] navcoin-4.7.0-win32.zip 8baf97aaddd61b32ef59eeb13d99b1b2fb6ebb0c723519a76ab41f59a8b52a1e navcoin-4.7.0-win64-debug.zip 25e87a8e98b9aae2b9f19c23c55d8c601a0bdaa2a02e7438eb85e6087e6ec84f navcoin-4.7.0-win64-setup-unsigned.exe 856af25db88496174376c1d850ed94b8c0789457c65240cef2c3da9f92a0a1be navcoin-4.7.0-win64.zip e89975b3e2e6c90d46f4a5d05d4ae7ccf9e16ed09317b3d0a02d628d0faeeaa5 src/navcoin-4.7.0.tar.gz [14:09:59] f0e1f914fa63ea5159374e8751304f5238cdaf77b8b457266237572fa5483264 navcoin-win-4.0.0-res.yml Done. sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [14:10:36] --- Lets try linux again. [14:12:26] --- Building for bionic amd64 --- Stopping target if it is up Making a new image copy Starting target Checking if target is up. Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [14:19:30] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) Creating package manifest [14:33:41] for building osx you need to cd gitian-builder/inputs && wget wget https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz [14:34:00] looks like windows is already working and matches our hashes [14:36:13] Creating build script (var/build-script) Running build script (log in var/build.log) [14:43:15] Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:167:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target setarch x86_64 bash -x < var/build-script > var/build.log 2>&1 [14:43:16] (RuntimeError) sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [14:44:38] --Let's try osx again [14:44:53] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ cd gitian-builder/inputs && wget wget https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz bash: cd: gitian-builder/inputs: No such file or directory [14:45:29] cd inputs && wget wget https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz [14:48:42] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ cd inputs && wget https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz --2019-09-17 20:46:06-- https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz Resolving bitcoincore.org (bitcoincore.org)..., Connecting to bitcoincore.org (bitcoincore.org)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: [14:48:43] 47285925 (45M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: 'MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz’ MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz 100%[============================================================================>] 45.09M 2.08MB/s in 44s 2019-09-17 20:46:52 (1.03 MB/s) - 'MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz’ saved [47285925/47285925] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder/inputs$ [14:48:58] then the gbuild should work now [14:50:25] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder/inputs$ USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j8 --commit navcoin-core=c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297 --url navcoin-core=http://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml bash: ./bin/gbuild: No such file or directory sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder/inputs$ [14:50:40] cd .. [14:50:42] and then gbuild [14:50:53] oops [14:52:36] Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [14:58:05] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) Creating package manifest [15:01:04] E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-7/g++-7_7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1_amd64.deb Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-defaults/gcc_7.4.0-1ubuntu2.3_amd64.deb Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch [15:01:04] http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-7/gcc-7_7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1_amd64.deb Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-7/gcc-7-base_7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1_amd64.deb Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch [15:01:05] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amd64-microcode/amd64-microcode_3.20180524.1~ubuntu0.18.04.2_amd64.deb Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/faketime/faketime_0.9.7-2_amd64.deb Unable to connect to archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80] E: Some files failed to download [15:03:05] --- I'll give linux another go [15:04:58] --- I won't stop the osx just yet as the PC is still doing something [15:05:31] did you do git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394? [15:06:43] yes [15:07:26] I'll do it again in case I didn't [15:08:35] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ git checkout d36b85d4114cc055ed414cd872b24aabe494c394 HEAD is now at d36b85d Remove useless whitespace [15:10:55] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ USE_DOCKER=1 ./bin/gbuild -j8 --commit navcoin-core=c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297 --url navcoin-core=http://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml warning: redirecting to https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/ --- Building for bionic amd64 --- Stopping target if it is up Making a new image copy Starting target Checking if target is [15:10:55] up. Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [15:16:49] Creating package manifest [15:29:19] Creating build script (var/build-script) Running build script (log in var/build.log) [15:51:19] Grabbing results from target Grabbing cache from target Generating report 361a7f97579a8acb8d35fbccd71e816d62f6aa32d58f1ade0fa5e9281e6445c8 navcoin-4.7.0-osx-unsigned.dmg 999c44043ffe05361b58bc9cbf21e81221d0b0afd6d1e2377e8448ee7675c936 navcoin-4.7.0-osx-unsigned.tar.gz 6b8c0d08b809d207d5d63dd006ac2595f44e832a6a4acb5764ec43aae0f6098b navcoin-4.7.0-osx64.tar.gz e89975b3e2e6c90d46f4a5d05d4ae7ccf9e16ed09317b3d0a02d628d0faeeaa5 [15:51:20] src/navcoin-4.7.0.tar.gz ad92502eb838af99c30dde0b7c1a8e964ea70dc10a35da96c5565b8c69c3816c navcoin-osx-4.0.0-res.yml Done. sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [15:51:54] --- I'll try linux again. [15:53:33] --- Building for bionic amd64 --- Stopping target if it is up Making a new image copy Starting target Checking if target is up. Preparing build environment Updating apt-get repository (log in var/install.log) Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [16:01:36] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:120:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target -u root [16:01:36] bash < target-bin/upgrade-system.sh >> var/install.log 2>&1 (RuntimeError) sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [16:09:18] linux again [16:09:50] Installing additional packages (log in var/install.log) [16:14:27] Upgrading system, may take a while (log in var/install.log) Creating package manifest [16:28:08] Creating build script (var/build-script) Running build script (log in var/build.log) [16:35:56] Traceback (most recent call last): 6: from ./bin/gbuild:306:in
' 5: from ./bin/gbuild:306:ineach' 4: from ./bin/gbuild:308:in block in
' 3: from ./bin/gbuild:308:ineach' 2: from ./bin/gbuild:313:in block (2 levels) in
' 1: from ./bin/gbuild:167:inbuild_one_configuration' ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run on-target setarch x86_64 bash -x < var/build-script > var/build.log 2>&1 [16:35:56] (RuntimeError) sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [16:36:38] could you do tail -fn 50 var/build.log [16:36:47] ok [16:39:03] 100 194 100 194 0 0 7 0 0:00:27 0:00:24 0:00:03 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 7 0 0:00:27 0:00:24 0:00:03 7 curl: (47) Maximum (50) redirects followed make: *** [/home/ubuntu/cache/common/download-stamps/.stamp_fetched-freetype-freetype-2.7.1.tar.bz2.hash] Error 47 funcs.mk:251: recipe for target [16:39:03] '/home/ubuntu/cache/common/download-stamps/.stamp_fetched-freetype-freetype-2.7.1.tar.bz2.hash' failed make: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/build/navcoin-core/depends' sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [16:42:29] sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ tail -n 50 var/build.log 100 194 100 194 0 0 30 0 0:00:06 0:00:06 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 29 0 0:00:06 0:00:06 --:--:-- 29 100 194 100 194 0 0 27 0 0:00:07 0:00:07 --:--:-- 27 100 194 100 194 0 0 24 0 0:00:08 0:00:08 --:--:-- 3592 100 194 100 194 0 0 22 0 0:00:08 [16:42:30] 0:00:08 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 21 0 0:00:09 0:00:08 0:00:01 21 100 194 100 194 0 0 21 0 0:00:09 0:00:09 --:--:-- 21 100 194 100 194 0 0 18 0 0:00:10 0:00:10 --:--:-- 862 100 194 100 194 0 0 18 0 0:00:10 0:00:10 --:--:-- 18 100 194 100 194 0 0 17 0 0:00:11 0:00:10 0:00:01 17 100 194 100 194 0 0 [16:42:30] 17 0 0:00:11 0:00:11 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 16 0 0:00:12 0:00:11 0:00:01 16 100 194 100 194 0 0 16 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 16 [16:43:50] 100 194 100 194 0 0 15 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 15 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 15 100 194 100 194 0 0 14 0 0:00:13 0:00:13 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 14 0 0:00:13 0:00:13 --:--:-- 14 100 194 100 194 0 0 13 0 0:00:14 0:00:14 --:--:-- 13 100 194 100 194 0 0 13 [16:43:50] 0 0:00:14 0:00:14 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 13 0 0:00:14 0:00:14 --:--:-- 13 100 194 100 194 0 0 12 0 0:00:16 0:00:15 0:00:01 12 100 194 100 194 0 0 12 0 0:00:16 0:00:15 0:00:01 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 12 0 0:00:16 0:00:15 0:00:01 12 100 194 100 194 0 0 11 0 0:00:17 0:00:16 0:00:01 0 100 194 100 194 [16:43:51] 0 0 11 0 0:00:17 0:00:16 0:00:01 11 100 194 100 194 0 0 11 0 0:00:17 0:00:17 --:--:-- 11 100 194 100 194 0 0 11 0 0:00:17 0:00:17 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 10 0 0:00:19 0:00:17 0:00:02 10 100 194 100 194 0 0 10 0 0:00:19 0:00:18 0:00:01 10 100 194 100 194 0 0 10 0 0:00:19 0:00:18 0:00:01 [16:43:51] 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 10 0 0:00:19 0:00:18 0:00:01 10 100 194 100 194 0 0 10 0 0:00:19 0:00:19 --:--:-- 0 [16:44:15] 100 194 100 194 0 0 9 0 0:00:21 0:00:19 0:00:02 9 100 194 100 194 0 0 9 0 0:00:21 0:00:20 0:00:01 9 100 194 100 194 0 0 9 0 0:00:21 0:00:20 0:00:01 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 9 0 0:00:21 0:00:20 0:00:01 9 100 194 100 194 0 0 9 0 0:00:21 0:00:21 --:--:-- 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 [16:44:15] 0 0:00:24 0:00:21 0:00:03 8 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:21 0:00:03 8 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:22 0:00:02 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:22 0:00:02 8 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:23 0:00:01 8 100 194 100 194 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:23 0:00:01 0 100 194 100 194 [16:44:16] 0 0 8 0 0:00:24 0:00:23 0:00:01 8 100 194 100 194 0 0 7 0 0:00:27 0:00:24 0:00:03 0 100 194 100 194 0 0 7 0 0:00:27 0:00:24 0:00:03 7 [16:44:33] curl: (47) Maximum (50) redirects followed make: *** [/home/ubuntu/cache/common/download-stamps/.stamp_fetched-freetype-freetype-2.7.1.tar.bz2.hash] Error 47 funcs.mk:251: recipe for target '/home/ubuntu/cache/common/download-stamps/.stamp_fetched-freetype-freetype-2.7.1.tar.bz2.hash' failed make: Leaving directory '/home/ubuntu/build/navcoin-core/depends' sda6@sda6-Z68X-UD4-B3:~/gitian-builder$ [16:51:11] @mxaddict have you seen this issue before? [20:25:42] @aguycalled nope [20:25:59] But that looks like the repo for freetype source is having a redirect issue [20:27:10] You'll have to get a copy of freetype from one of us [20:27:49] I'm in bed so I cant upload it right now. I'll send a link to download freetype tar once I wake up. [20:28:15] Or hopefully either @aguycalled @salmonskinroll or @prole can provide a copy before then 🤣 [20:43:13] but the other builds are able to download it [20:43:32] so i guess a networking issue of the vm [21:59:43] i remember i had this issue once [22:00:26] i think the fix for me at least was to build the depends directly from my vps rather than trying to let docker to do it [22:00:33] docker had some issue curling the resource [22:01:07] but the vps itself could actually curl the resource [22:01:24] so just cd into the depends directory and run make i think? [22:01:39] then try the gitian build again after its built manually once [22:03:01] or even just wget the tar and put it in the right place i gues [22:03:15] pushd ./gitian-builder make -C ../navcoin-core/depends download SOURCES_PATH=pwd/cache/common popd [22:03:30] try this @roast [22:07:11] https://builds.navcore.org/c8d9d72b48584e817d8818d53af36abd63e73297/ [22:07:19] okay holy shit, finally i got the same hashes [22:07:51] i can upload these to the release and publish everything shortly [22:07:57] i just need to have a shower and get out of bed [22:08:22] great [23:42:58] can i get some reviews here: https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-org/pull/245 @developer [23:45:15] thanks