[08:57:26] I've drafted the 4.7.0 release on github and also added the release notice & updated wallet download links to NavCoin.org (pending pull request) [08:58:14] @mxaddict let me know if you're okay with releasing with the cosmetic bugs as described in the other chat and I can merge to master and kick off gitian [09:00:22] i was just reading it now [09:00:35] id change to say the update is mandatory [09:00:47] @prole [09:03:19] Yeah, I'm good with the current state of it. The other fixes are more important [09:03:43] And the UI glitches aren't affecting functionality [10:52:26] @prole @aguycalled let me know if you need me to do gitian builds to compare hashes [10:52:35] What what tag/branch to do it on [12:28:56] I'll merge to master and cut the version tag then we build gitian from the tag [12:29:06] But I'll have to do it in the morning [12:29:19] ~10 hours from now [12:29:36] @aguycalled sure, I'll update the notice [23:46:19] Is there any way past this invalid block error? [23:46:31] 2019-09-12 21:45:44 ERROR: CheckBlock() : cant find payment request block 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2019-09-12 21:45:44 InvalidChainFound: invalid block=1e78b10013fc578df87bd671dc6fe6b967230dbacad5ffc05e14a13b1deb1e0e height=3346611 log2_work=73.059352 date=2019-07-30 18:20:00 2019-09-12 21:45:44 InvalidChainFound: current [23:46:31] best=5240deab28a209f6c984590c7da00aa30970285000095de4f7f10907bdcec57e height=3346610 log2_work=73.059352 date=2019-07-30 18:19:44 2019-09-12 21:45:44 ERROR: ConnectTip(): ConnectBlock 1e78b10013fc578df87bd671dc6fe6b967230dbacad5ffc05e14a13b1deb1e0e failed: 2019-09-12 21:45:44 InvalidChainFound: invalid block=1e78b10013fc578df87bd671dc6fe6b967230dbacad5ffc05e14a13b1deb1e0e height=3346611 log2_work=73.059352 date=2019-07-30 18:20:00 [23:46:32] 2019-09-12 21:45:44 InvalidChainFound: current best=5240deab28a209f6c984590c7da00aa30970285000095de4f7f10907bdcec57e height=3346610 log2_work=73.059352 date=2019-07-30 18:19:44 [23:46:47] I tried reconsiderblock 5240deab28a209f6c984590c7da00aa30970285000095de4f7f10907bdcec57e and same result