[00:00:45] it's good a secure vault tho [00:03:52] ditto [00:04:02] i also bought hte librem but basically just use it as a cold storage [00:04:13] the trackpad is the worst [00:04:18] there's no way i could use it as my main computer [00:04:46] okay, im building rc-4.7.0 on osx, ubuntu 18 and also gitian [00:04:57] I see, I like the mac trackpad, but I could never get over the pricing [00:05:11] I mean, it's too expensive for me [00:05:30] Entry level macbook pro 13 is a dual core [00:05:51] That costs what razer offers as quad cores with better keyboard [00:06:09] I mean the older macbooks had better keyboards, but the new one in the store is crap [00:06:13] they work, make your life easier, and last. this one already 5 years [00:06:17] I like the pre 2016 models [00:06:52] I agree, but unfortunately that statement only seems to apply to 2016 and older macs [00:07:01] The new ones are not as good anymore [00:07:21] what's to buy then? [00:07:28] I have a few office mates that complain about dirt getting inside the keys on the new mac and runing the keys [00:07:47] This is the problem, no good options as of the moment [00:08:06] I guess wait another year and hope they fix the next model? 😄 [00:08:23] what would an apple-hater buy? [00:08:40] Hmmm, I'd say dell xps [00:08:48] It's next best thing I think [00:09:16] uh looks so plasstic [00:09:17] I'm thinking of buying mac, but 2015/2016 model, the keys are just better feeling, and has the ESC key [00:09:52] Yeah, the xps looks like crap 😄 [00:09:59] But I'm thinking function over form [00:10:14] Atleast the trackpad is decent ( Not as good as mac though ) [00:10:29] I wish these companies would just copy mac trackpad, it's still the best [00:11:01] ill keep my old mbpro i think lol [00:11:06] Hahaha [00:11:19] i can chat here while i wait for the builds to finish [00:11:21] I that makes sense [00:12:32] I'm still on the fence, I need a new laptop, but no good choices now. [00:13:51] I wish macbook pro would get the older keyboards back, then it would be totally worth it. That damn new keyboard + touchbar is a deal breaker for me. And all the other laptops have shit trackpad So it's like picking either ok keyboard or ok trackpad, can't have both ☣ 🤘 [00:58:55] @aguycalled @prole I've posted all hash results for my gitian builds [01:00:23] "what would an apple-hater buy?" Feel addressed because I do not like proprietary systems 😬 I favorite computer is the Skull Canyon NUC with the Akasa Case Galactica 👌 [01:01:27] @Goku that's not really an option for the question, we were talking about laptops 🤣 [01:01:47] But yeah, that's a nice small form factor PC [01:03:20] Ah yes, no Laptop User 😄 [01:21:56] travis build passes on rc 4.7.0 [01:21:57] https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/pull/545 [06:00:38] my locally built osx navcoind synced from 0 with not problems in a few hours. [06:00:46] using cli not qt [06:00:56] on the RC branch [06:45:26] @prole nice! [06:45:56] @roast were you able to test a full sync too? Hehe. [06:46:24] I'm in bed, I haven't checked if my full sync with indexes is done yet. [06:47:34] @mxaddict fixing navcoin-org permissions atm. almost done. [06:53:02] Go back to sleep @mxaddict [06:53:21] 😴 [06:53:35] Youve only been gone a few hours lol [07:03:13] 😄 [07:03:19] I have some errands to run [07:03:23] I have no choice 😄 [07:03:48] I'm on PC now, the node is not done, but so far no issues [07:03:55] ETA is another hour [07:36:51] @prodigz @aguycalled my node with index flags has synced fully [07:36:54] No issues [07:51:38] Any other test scenarios we need/want to test with the RC builds? [07:57:53] i should have my gitian hashes in the next hour or so [07:58:18] the gitian build of the RC for osx still has the image issue for me [07:58:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596218253148422144/Screen_Shot_2019-07-04_at_5.57.59_PM.png [08:09:09] That's sad, I hope it's only on your machine, I tested on my friends mac recently (OSX 10.13 and 10.14) both worked without the artifacting [08:10:18] If you have time, can you test this PR: https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/pull/522 [08:10:30] To see if the artifacting goes away [08:10:34] @prole [08:40:20] okay ill check it out [08:56:03] @roast how much sleep did you get? 🤣 [08:58:38] @mxaddict I will do a full sync now. When I was experimenting with the test net I stopped syncing . Mum rang me at 8:30am so I got about 3 hours. You must have only got 1 hour 😃 You are a machine. hehe [09:02:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596234327696736266/Screenshot_from_2019-07-04_15-02-10.png [09:02:33] No, I got a good ~5 hours I think. [09:02:41] So I'm a little better off than you 🤣 [09:02:56] Nice [09:03:02] Yeah. I feel like shite [09:03:06] Hopefully no issues wtih sync 😄 [09:04:50] I'm filing all the commands that you guys throw at me so I don't have to scroll up discord for future builds etc. [09:06:19] 👌 [09:06:21] Nice [09:06:33] Once you get the hang of it, you should not need notes in the future [09:06:40] Will become almost second nature [09:07:11] The build system on navcoin and most bitcoin-core based wallets are very opensource setup [09:07:19] IE, if you know how to build one, you can build most [09:07:31] And even linux programs have very similar build tests [09:07:54] IE, zsh, git and other cli tools have similar build steps to our project [09:08:05] So you get used to it and it becomes second nature 😄 [09:11:38] I ❤ collaborating with you guys. NavDao rules. 😃 [09:11:47] 👌 ! [09:12:46] "NavDao" is a good name for something. [09:30:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596241498719387658/Screenshot_from_2019-07-04_15-30-35.png [09:34:21] Nice, syncing faster I see [09:36:49] 5 hours to go [10:42:59] ❤ [11:13:03] @mxaddict my osx hashes do not match. what sdk are u using again? [11:18:02] The one from bitcoin-core [11:18:07] Let me find link [11:18:08] BRB [11:18:49] https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks;/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz [11:20:05] That's the link @aguycalled [11:20:19] should we update our docs? [11:20:37] I think so [11:20:51] That's the same SDK that is used in the travis build as well [11:21:58] i was following this https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/blob/master/doc/README_osx.md [11:25:54] Maybe we should remove that file [11:25:59] And create this file in repo [11:26:01] https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/build-osx.md [11:26:56] It's more relevant I think, but I can't really follow the instructions as I don't have an OSX machine to try on. [11:28:35] lets make an issue [11:37:57] I just noticed everyone is online, did anyone get decent sleep? [11:38:12] 🤣 [11:41:10] im sleeping a bit over my average actually [11:42:58] Nice [11:43:34] Me and @roast were forced to not sleep, I had errands, and <@366571711912476672> got a call on the phone 😄 [14:56:47] Just got back from the gym so it probably finished a while back. [14:56:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596323521878032385/Screenshot_from_2019-07-04_16-19-02.png [14:57:31] oops wrong one. [14:57:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596323749775671296/Screenshot_from_2019-07-04_16-19-02.png [14:58:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596324027858157568/Screenshot_from_2019-07-04_20-57-57.png [14:59:32] Just got back from gym, so it probably finished a while back. [15:47:28] Nice [16:07:14] what do you guys think about moving the cfund votes to the wallet db instead of the conf file? [16:29:54] Pros and cons? [16:34:20] if its on the db you can only modify votes from the cli/gui [16:42:19] I like having it in the conf as of now, as I can copy my navcoin.conf to a remote machine [16:42:49] But if we have that p2p broadcast of the settings would be fine. [16:47:06] cool [16:47:10] another question [16:47:27] should the consultation votes get reset every cycle? [16:47:57] or let them stay for the whole consultaiton duration? [16:48:10] (the duration is set when the consultation is created) [17:20:07] Reset it? So early voters won't pollute the actual sentiment? [17:21:09] I'm not sure what you mean by reset. [17:23:17] @aguycalled [17:29:01] right now the votings of proposals and payment requests are reset every cycle [17:29:11] reset means set to 0 [17:29:23] should the same apply to consultations? [17:34:42] I think so, to unify the behavior [17:36:00] Btw, these new DAO changes going to introduce new UI? Or will it be only for the daemon/cli initially? [17:52:15] need new ui [18:11:18] Reset? Would it not mean that everyone need to vote again? I mean if someone vote per tx, he would need to pay for it. If this cycle doesn't pass he would need to pay again for the next cycle. [18:16:21] @Goku it's like now, every voting cycle the votes start counting from 0 [18:17:14] I belived @Goku is talking about the proposal fee to be paid [18:46:57] The reset is just for the count, not the fee. [19:08:37] I mean does it still continue to vote yes or no if someone already voted per "special tx"? [19:10:23] yes the vote is still cached [19:13:34] resetting the votes can be of importance, when some voters start late to vote [19:14:10] not reseting would mean giving more weight to earlier voters [21:03:13] Yep understand, just wanted to know that not a "special tx" with costs for every cycle is needed [22:04:51] posted my hashes [22:05:35] hashes match [22:05:47] ctrl+f the hash gives 3 results for each on the page [22:07:24] putting the binaries up for download [22:22:33] download links posted [22:24:04] @everyone the Release Candidate for NavCoin Core 4.7.0 is now available for download. If you want to try out the new wallet please download it here: https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/pull/545 [22:24:35] we appreciate any testing that the community can offer. please try it on your operating system and post any problems you find here. [22:25:34] ideas of things to try; sync the blockchain, reindex the chain, receive coins, send coins, create cold staking addresses, create community fund proposals, vote on proposals etc.. [22:25:40] all the functions the wallet has should be tested [22:25:59] and dont forget you can test it using the testnet rather than the main net to not put your coins at any risk [22:26:08] if you need testnet coins, let us know [23:17:53] we're currently working to get the testnet back up and running but for the moment, please only test with a wallet with a small balance. [23:21:34] @mxaddict this might make some clue for the pink icon issue [23:21:51] i am currently plugged into 2 different screens one is 4k the other is lower resolution [23:22:02] lower resolution screen [23:22:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596450671767584788/Screen_Shot_2019-07-05_at_9.21.10_AM.png [23:22:11] 4k screen [23:22:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/596450710699114537/Screen_Shot_2019-07-05_at_9.21.16_AM.png [23:22:18] so its different on each [23:22:21] which is weird [23:22:31] its like it maybe cant handle resizing the png's? [23:23:18] if they have to be a non-native resolution the rendering is screwing up [23:23:26] just making assumptions here [23:23:32] there was a recent change with the pngs [23:23:40] might be related [23:24:00] the other change i thought might effect it is the OSX library update? [23:24:11] do you still have the binaries you built for OSX with the old lib? [23:24:37] sorry which osx library? [23:25:48] https://github.com/navcoin/navcoin-core/pull/419 [23:25:51] im talking about this [23:26:09] but this is quite long ago [23:26:14] so prob no related [23:34:11] this one: https://bitcoincore.org/depends-sources/sdks/MacOSX10.11.sdk.tar.gz [23:34:22] idk if it would effect something like this [23:34:28] just thinking what else has changed recently to do with osx [23:39:26] have you tried building myself? i don't see the issue in my system