[00:31:25] the bootstrap node appears to be syncing with increased resources. currently at block 1.8 million [00:56:33] My wallet version 4.5.2 crashed on windows yesterday as well. I leave my wallet running on my laptop but when I came home when I clicked on wallet I had the notification about needing to upgrade my wallet but also had a notification that there was a new community fund request when I tried to click out of one of the windows to get to the other notification it crashed. Then I just upgraded to 4.6.0 and didn't have issues. [00:56:33] Perhaps it has something to do with having 2 notifications open in the core wallet at same time [01:16:36] My 4.5.2 wallet Mint Mate 64bit also crashed, but not every time. Put 4.6.0 on another sterile machine and all is good atm. [01:19:35] Font size needs to be decreased on "Payment Request" and "Create Payment Request". [01:20:23] Or make the button a bit bigger. [01:22:01] Forced update 😃 [02:26:49] a screenshot would help [05:46:53] my linux mint running 4.5.2 gets the upgrade alert. then i can't dismiss the alert [05:47:02] if i click ok nothing happens [05:47:23] i click the x in the corner and it hangs for a while then gives me an error saying the dialog box is unresponsive [05:47:36] if i force close the dialog box, it crashes the whole navcoin qt app [05:47:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/576284216246009866/Screen_Shot_2019-05-10_at_5.43.48_PM.png [05:47:57] is this what happens to you guys? [05:47:59] or something else? [05:49:46] doesnt appear to be anything in the error log about it [06:30:27] similar [06:34:55] @prole Yeah I tried to hit the X as well when I had my issue [07:35:23] Yes, but force quit did not close it complete. Needed to kill the navcoin process in background. [08:24:07] My wallet 4.5.2 crashed again ovee night with the update notification. [08:26:10] It run around 3 hours until it crashed [09:06:37] hey guys...is it possible to add a way to donate to CF in the GUI wallet? [09:18:28] @Juguelio create an issue on github with details 😄