[00:06:16] @aguycalled does coin age affect getbalance? currenty I am generating 100 blocks python [00:06:38] staked coins need to mature to be spendable [00:10:40] staking is turned off, i am generating 100 blocks python slow_gen(self.nodes[3], 100) sync_blocks(self.nodes) print('node3 100blocks: ' + str(self.nodes[3].getbalance())) from this, I would expect a reward of 5000 to be given to node[3], but currently am only recieving a reward of 2500 [00:14:52] same, 50 blocks are required [00:15:09] only testnet does not require maturity of coinbase or coinstake outputs to be spendable [00:15:37] src/wallet/wallet.cpp: CAmount CWalletTx::GetAvailableCredit(bool fUseCache) const { if (pwallet == 0) return 0; // Must wait until coinbase is safely deep enough in the chain before valuing it if ((IsCoinBase() || IsCoinStake()) && GetBlocksToMaturity() > 0) return 0; [00:16:18] this is for the python tests [00:17:14] a balance of 2500 nav after 100blocks in a network different than testnet is right [00:18:16] you can check with getwalletinfo [00:18:21] immature_balance [00:18:28] the missing 2500nav should be there @dy5es41 [00:18:41] thanks, il give it a look [02:56:03] @aguycalled how come vout is hardcoded here: python def create_tx(node, coinbase, to_address, amount): inputs = [{ "txid" : coinbase, "vout" : 0}] outputs = { to_address : amount } rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True) return signresult["hex"] [04:21:28] managed to get gitian builds on my debian9 VM too! hashes match (except for .exes) [04:22:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/522629249128071178/20181213-debian9-master.SHA256SUM.asc [04:24:40] Nice [04:25:06] If you run another build check if the hashes match the exes lol [04:27:40] @Matt (Dev) can you decode this for me with bitcoind? 0100000000010000000000000000066a047465737400000000 [04:27:55] not urgent [04:27:57] https://giphy.com/gifs/fury-kung-hackerman-QbumCX9HFFDQA [04:27:59] I'm on it [04:29:10] json { "txid": "c9a9b76a01d66cd3a7a4acbb3d950f4a4970d026245a6c1642ce8c169dc8df3b", "hash": "c9a9b76a01d66cd3a7a4acbb3d950f4a4970d026245a6c1642ce8c169dc8df3b", "version": 1, "size": 25, "vsize": 25, "weight": 100, "locktime": 0, "vin": [ ], "vout": [ { "value": 0.00000000, "n": 0, "scriptPubKey": { "asm": "OP_RETURN 1953719668", "hex": "6a0474657374", "type": [04:29:10] "nulldata" } } ] } [04:29:36] thanks [05:33:14] missing "be" [05:33:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/522647161213812736/unknown.png [06:33:32] Where is that [06:34:10] Creating cold staking address instruction. [06:34:21] The pop up window [06:50:13] Will fix in 4.5.1 [09:10:07] https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/pull/364 [10:22:07] Testnet received a new genesis block in this release? [10:49:00] You should already be on the new test net [10:49:08] I think it was apart of the cold staking branch [10:49:14] ok cool [10:49:44] Should i move the testnet to the 4.5.0 release code? [10:49:57] Or do you already have a new code branch for 4.6? [11:10:47] We haven't got a new branch yet [11:10:50] Just run 4.5 [11:11:36] 😉 [11:14:20] a 4.6.0 or 5.0.0 are a long way off [11:14:31] I would expect a 4.5.1 sometime after the new year [11:14:35] maybe late Jan? [11:14:52] We will be merging things into master as we fix them [11:15:17] at the moment we are focusing on bug fixing, and getting as many tests working as we can [11:15:22] That's good news for me. I've been a bit busy these past few months with cold staking and cfund updates [11:15:37] I'll be able to focus on upgrading the indexing process [11:15:38] So don't expect any protocol changes to happen [11:16:01] You could say we are in tech debt clean up mode [11:16:18] I'm hoping to move from java and mongo to Golang and elassandra to index the data and expose the data [11:16:19] At least that's where I want us to focus :p [11:17:19] While you're at it I'd say open source your ideas and 'roadmap' on github [11:17:27] If I can get an elasticsearch wrapper around the explorer data then I'll try and open up a full API for everyone to use [11:17:30] might be able to get some other hands helping you out 😉 [11:17:49] I'm sure you have your own army small things you want to fix on the site [11:18:26] I've got too many features that are still missing. [11:19:15] Are chainz going to be supporting cold staking? If the don't make any updates then they'll likely be showing balances against staking addresses and not spending.. [11:19:25] I'm not sure [11:19:43] I might reach out to them tomorrow [11:19:50] On the testnet I had Alex's main address as my cold staking address. [11:20:11] I just tried to move the coins from there to a new std address but received this error: [11:20:22] Error: The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of the wallet and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here. [11:21:18] { "version": 4050000, "protocolversion": 70020, "walletversion": 130000, "balance": 3516126.79219879, "coldstaking_balance": 0.00000000, "newmint": 0.00000000, "stake": 0.00000000, "blocks": 88514, "communityfund": { "available": 42000.00240000, "locked": 0.00000000 }, "timeoffset": 0, "ntptimeoffset": -1, "connections": 1, "proxy": "", "testnet": true, "keypoololdest": 1542284938, [11:21:18] "keypoolsize": 100, "paytxfee": 0.00100000, "relayfee": 0.00010000, "errors": "" } root@navcoind-testnet-navexplorer-01:~# navcoin-cli getnewaddress n3miRgC3D7VDLUkrt4vgXdsWYfMP6rhZma root@navcoind-testnet-navexplorer-01:~# navcoin-cli sendtoaddress n3miRgC3D7VDLUkrt4vgXdsWYfMP6rhZma 3516126.79119879 error code: -4 error message: Error: The transaction was rejected! This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, [11:21:19] such as if you used a copy of the wallet and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here. root@navcoind-testnet-navexplorer-01:~# navcoin-cli getinfo { "version": 4050000, "protocolversion": 70020, "walletversion": 130000, "balance": 0.00000000, "coldstaking_balance": 0.00000000, "newmint": 0.00000000, "stake": 0.00000000, "blocks": 88514, "communityfund": { "available": 42000.00240000, "locked": 0.00000000 [11:21:19] }, "timeoffset": 0, "ntptimeoffset": -1, "connections": 1, "proxy": "", "testnet": true, "keypoololdest": 1542284938, "keypoolsize": 100, "paytxfee": 0.00100000, "relayfee": 0.00010000, "errors": "" } root@navcoind-testnet-navexplorer-01:~# navcoin-cli getinfo [11:21:22] You held the spending address but alex's address the staking address? [11:21:29] YEs [11:22:03] Spending address: mnJCc2iNQMK1EsFCZAwEnGtDkfwSRCsgpT [11:22:10] Staking address: muRVpSSrLAFUBgA7VWmDhmDJXFhq1MbZ66 [11:22:14] mm [11:22:38] I need to sleep now (00:22am) but maybe @aguycalled can look into it if he comes online [11:22:43] I'll check tomorrow otherwise [11:22:44] Myabe it is pending a new block and no one is staking atm [11:22:47] NP. Night! [11:22:57] Great work on the release of 4.5!! [11:23:01] Cheers [11:23:04] Catch you later [11:31:42] try repairing your wallet @prodpeak [11:31:58] Will do [11:45:15] Might have accidentally deleted my wallet.dat file (whoops) [13:03:31] do you need new testcoins? [13:04:12] Yeah sorry. I'm just upgrading atm. I'll get you my address shortly [13:06:38] mhmNzFarSC7cVCcojQQMSwohjmgoQ6H4iV [13:16:24] done [13:16:28] Thanks [14:14:17] Why is there 100 Nav locked in the cfund on testnet, when there are no accepted proposals? [14:15:20] I assume it is linked to this proposal: https://testnet.navexplorer.com/community-fund/proposal/8ea166ff6f204ef7296f74f3d566a7d1953d673e36a8bae6e2e274065b460d96 [14:42:02] Tx fedccee5ade07d3644e47b0b23d7ce97555136caac3f5b3eefd0450d99c3cebe in block 63248 has the following output: [14:42:06] { "value": 1e-8, "valueSat": 1, "n": 2, "scriptPubKey": { "asm": "OP_RETURN 03ea292e1bf48db097e7c8c05d10680cabcfaebb0041d58016bf271720bdb20aef", "hex": "6a2103ea292e1bf48db097e7c8c05d10680cabcfaebb0041d58016bf271720bdb20aef", "type": "nulldata" } } [14:42:18] What is a nulldata output? [14:42:25] https://www.navexplorer.com/tx/fedccee5ade07d3644e47b0b23d7ce97555136caac3f5b3eefd0450d99c3cebe [14:55:54] The current code deployed on the explorer ignored it and set the value as 0. That may be incorrect [15:24:21] non spendable [15:25:26] i dont see any coin locked for the cfund @prodpeak [15:59:53] navcoin-cli getinfo { "version": 4050000, "protocolversion": 70020, "walletversion": 130000, "balance": 1500002.31273513, "coldstaking_balance": 0.00000000, "newmint": 0.00000000, "stake": 0.00000000, "blocks": 89032, "communityfund": { "available": 42150.00240000, "locked": 100.00000000 }, "timeoffset": 0, "ntptimeoffset": 0, "connections": 1, "proxy": "", "testnet": true, "keypoololdest": [15:59:54] 1544705009, "keypoolsize": 100, "paytxfee": 0.00100000, "relayfee": 0.00010000, "errors": "" } [16:00:02] I'll reindex [16:22:44] I deleted blocks/ chainstate/ and database/ and restarted. It reindexed from 0 and I still have 100 locked in community fund [16:25:17] navcoin-cli listproposals [ { "version": 2, "hash": "8ea166ff6f204ef7296f74f3d566a7d1953d673e36a8bae6e2e274065b460d96", "blockHash": "ffe9f3ed0765bec40f7797ad78d660c83959aa6688f688ff2d8f964aad7e4d09", "description": "test2", "requestedAmount": "100.00", "notPaidYet": "100.00", "userPaidFee": "0.0001", "paymentAddress": "mrfjgazyerYxDQHJAPDdUcC3jpmi8WZ2uv", "proposalDuration": 20000, [16:25:18] "expiresOn": 1544730368, "votesYes": 180, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 1, "status": "accepted", "state": 1, "stateChangedOnBlock": "e5148b798ef9b445d650eb76a486e3b0ca9ddecc9b8dff2c0199e7fdffacfe80", "paymentRequests": [ { "version": 2, "hash": "9e7f702b2142c700202b2afaa7fc09ab73fe398131b018183ee02f658aecc770", "blockHash": "5bf9acc7245545277bc73003155090d618fa013a36dc4d17bd9a1b42b4918295", [16:25:18] "description": "Payment #1", "requestedAmount": "10.00", "votesYes": 0, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 5, "status": "expired", "state": 3, "stateChangedOnBlock": "c7b891dc2f8b09f6463f97709001dd208232b3886a3e9b29fd4e3ef6696e15c2" } ] } ] [16:26:50] The expires on in the listproposals is December 13, 2018 7:46:08 PM [16:31:28] But when the explorer index it, it was 2018-12-12 08:49:36.000 [16:31:52] So the expires on date has changed? [16:32:19] @aguycalled Do you have a different expiresOn date than me for that proposal? [16:33:41] Do you remember, I suggested that I thought there was a bug where a proposal expired, but I was then able to see it back in accepted and could vote on it again? This could be a symptom / example of that same issue. [16:34:04] I wasn't able to reproduce before and just moved on as a reindex resolved [16:34:58] listproposals is empty for me [16:35:16] Because your 8ea166ff6f204ef7296f74f3d566a7d1953d673e36a8bae6e2e274065b460d96 is expired [16:35:27] when you getproposal 8ea166ff6f204ef7296f74f3d566a7d1953d673e36a8bae6e2e274065b460d96 [16:35:29] yep [16:35:42] You see the expiresOn as in the past? [16:35:53] { "version": 2, "hash": "8ea166ff6f204ef7296f74f3d566a7d1953d673e36a8bae6e2e274065b460d96", "blockHash": "ffe9f3ed0765bec40f7797ad78d660c83959aa6688f688ff2d8f964aad7e4d09", "description": "test2", "requestedAmount": "100.00", "notPaidYet": "100.00", "userPaidFee": "0.0001", "paymentAddress": "mrfjgazyerYxDQHJAPDdUcC3jpmi8WZ2uv", "proposalDuration": 20000, "votesYes": 180, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 5, [16:35:54] "status": "expired", "state": 3, "paymentRequests": [ { "version": 2, "hash": "9e7f702b2142c700202b2afaa7fc09ab73fe398131b018183ee02f658aecc770", "blockHash": "5bf9acc7245545277bc73003155090d618fa013a36dc4d17bd9a1b42b4918295", "description": "Payment #1", "requestedAmount": "10.00", "votesYes": 0, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 5, "status": "expired", "state": 3, [16:35:54] "stateChangedOnBlock": "c7b891dc2f8b09f6463f97709001dd208232b3886a3e9b29fd4e3ef6696e15c2" } ] } [16:36:10] i can reindex-chainstate [16:36:38] I think yours is correct [16:36:59] I did deploy v4.5.0 release onto testnet this morning [16:37:14] im reindexing [17:09:49] Any joy? [17:11:52] still going [17:37:59] yes [17:38:01] its accepted now [17:38:05] looks like a bug [17:38:27] 1544730368 [17:39:56] I think i've managed to get regtest into this or a similar state previously. I couldnt reproduce at the time. I'll have another go [17:51:16] let us know if u can reproduce it [18:06:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/522836638124998666/zeroct.pdf [20:26:59] @aguycalled when you use your gitian do you use gitian-build.sh? [20:38:10] no what is it? [20:47:19] it's in /contrib [20:47:32] It's got a LOT of stuff in it for the builds [20:56:06] oh great [20:56:07] did not know it [20:56:14] btw we should check what @prodpeak reported [20:56:22] it can be critical in terms of causing a fork [21:02:51] Yes we'll check it out [21:08:53] @aguycalled do we use the time field for anything other than coinage? [21:09:04] nope [21:09:25] If static rewards passes maybe we can fork it away in a future update 🤔 [21:13:36] We can also get rid of the clock syncing code [21:16:53] clock sync is still necessary. [21:17:07] it effects the difficulty, it's not to do with the rewards [21:18:03] Ah right [22:47:21] are all the exchanges notified @Matt (Dev) ? [22:52:16] I believe so [22:52:17] 1 second [22:52:46] https://trello.com/c/mWBDmWd4/335-navcoin-450-release-contacts [22:53:07] I have contacted all of the ticked places [22:53:25] so cryptoid has yet to be contacted [22:53:28] for example [22:53:32] but they aren't an exhange [22:54:46] @prole you were wondering about this too [22:57:26] just wrote chainz [22:57:55] cool [23:29:04] @prodpeak @aguycalled I also reindexed and saw the proposal as accepted [23:29:22] but my expireson "expiresOn": 1544761536 [23:29:45] looks like it's moved forward [23:30:08] I'll reindex again and see if it moves [23:30:16] it's still 1542338990 atm [23:44:31] ok found the issue [23:44:58] nice one [23:50:12] blockhash changes when the proposal is expired [23:50:24] moving the expiry timestamp forward [23:50:31] and entering in a devil's infinite loop [23:51:08] main.cpp:4069 proposal.blockhash = pindexNew->GetBlockHash(); [23:52:04] blockhash should only be updated when the proposal is accepted or rejected [23:52:07] for this to be fixed [23:52:46] this is critical and can cause a fork in the network [23:53:01] It will only show as accepted again IF a user reindexes? [23:53:35] very likely. or syncs again for whatever reason [23:53:41] Shame I didn't see it a few days earlier [23:53:50] but two nodes having a different state can be dangerous [23:53:57] yep [23:59:10] https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/pull/366 [23:59:50] @Matt (Dev) @prodpeak @mc290 @A-B [23:59:56] can you please review this