[00:37:11] committed some adjustments [00:37:15] @bitsNVmad [00:37:17] @matt [00:37:20] @Matt (Dev) [00:38:25] Alrighty [00:39:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/518949411410149416/unknown.png [00:39:43] added this too [00:44:28] nice [00:49:55] https://github.com/aguycalled/navcoin-core/pull/38/files#diff-90abf38065a3f7d1bf9e8bd6ef93d98aR502 [01:34:27] @aguycalled is coldstaking_balance in getwalletinfo a measure of how much has been staked or is it the actual balance of the coldtaking address? I sent funds to the coldstaking address on regtest but it remained as zero when i called getwalletinfo [01:43:25] it's the balance of the address, did you generate a block after sending? [01:54:15] NO [01:54:19] oops caps [02:33:09] any idea what's wrong with this syntax? (JSON not parsing) createrawtransaction "[{"txid":"49528512ec77569bcbdb70820985c12247b2d984a4fdd9622eec608008c5b735","vout":1}]" "{"mwyXTjkxK4CEen8nWPvSxwrnFVbwDvw8Ww":40}" [02:42:56] you need " to escape the quotes [04:05:37] The following characters are reserved in JSON and must be properly escaped to be used in strings: Backspace is replaced with \b. Form feed is replaced with \f. Newline is replaced with \n. Carriage return is replaced with \r. Tab is replaced with \t. Double quote is replaced with \" Backslash is replaced with \\ [04:06:02] JSON sucks imho [07:00:27] you need to escape “ inside of the “s