[02:22:49] @aguycalled We have no way to check what our cold staking balance is using rpc commands [02:23:04] without doing crazy thinks like manually examining blocks [02:32:24] The way I see it we can add a new rpc command, say getstakablebalance (just returns our total stakable bal) or getcoldstakingbalance (returns { staking: __, spending: __ }, or we could modify getbalance to have a new optional argument [02:32:33] at the moment it takes getbalance ( "account" minconf includeWatchonly ) [02:33:23] we could change it to getbalance ( "account" minconf includeWatchonly includeStakableonly) [02:33:53] Where if the last arg is true it will also include coins that we control the staking addresses for but not the spending address [02:35:32] Those are just a few approaches, I'm not sure which is the easiest to implement or which is the best from an API consistency point of view [13:36:44] @Matt (Dev) getinfo returns coldstakingbalance [13:37:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/517695660502548500/unknown.png [18:25:29] Ah alright, that will unblock things for now [22:26:06] sync from beginning, bootstrap, reindex, reindex-chainstate, repair wallet, zapwallettxes all ran fine [22:59:16] Are you guys almost ready with cold staking? [23:09:33] We have a few more tests to write but things are looking good