[05:58:47] @Matt (Dev) @aguycalled the bootstrap is still hanging at 1.7GB [05:58:50] https://nav.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/bootstrap/mainnet/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar [06:03:39] stuck at 1.79GB [06:03:45] tried chrome and safari on Mac [08:03:53] do we need to split the tar up into parts? [08:03:58] is it just a timeout thing? [08:11:24] i'm thinking the problem is with digital ocean [08:11:34] can't be a coincidence it keeps hanging at 1.7GB [08:31:49] # ./sync_boostrap error: couldn't connect to server [08:32:55] # cat sync_boostrap #!/bin/sh VERSION=4.4.0 /root/navcoin-${VERSION}/bin/navcoin-cli stop; sleep 10; cd /root/.navcoin4 && \ tar -cf /root/bootstrap-navcoin-${VERSION}_mainnet.tar chainstate blocks && \ /root/s3cmd-master/s3cmd put /root/bootstrap-navcoin-${VERSION}_mainnet.tar s3://nav/bootstrap/mainnet/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar; cd /root && \ rm navcoin-${VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu* && \ wget [08:32:56] https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/releases/download/${VERSION}/navcoin-${VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz && \ tar zxvf navcoin-${VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz; /root/navcoin-${VERSION}/bin/navcoind -daemon /root/s3cmd-master/s3cmd setacl s3://nav/bootstrap/ --acl-public --recursive [08:33:00] @mntyfrsh [08:34:54] where is the script running from? [08:35:14] um [08:35:19] we're no longer using S3 for hosting [08:35:28] the bootstrap is on digital ocean [08:35:38] that script is no longer valid [08:35:47] we switched to digital ocean months ago to reduced costs [08:35:59] iirc we reduced costs by 90%+ by hosting on digital ocean [08:36:37] @Matt (Dev) or @prole should have info for uploading to digital ocean [08:36:48] i don't have access to the digital ocean account [08:49:47] @aguycalled ^^ [08:50:25] ok, nobody told me this [08:50:41] its in one of my nodes [08:50:51] if someone can provide me the right details i can fix it [09:02:20] i'd assist but i don't have access to digital ocean to set you up with api keys for automating the upload [09:26:43] @Ro @prole [09:41:41] i have access [09:41:47] imnot sure about api keys [09:41:48] ill have a look [09:42:27] theres one in there labelled bootstrap [09:42:39] it says i can regenerate it [09:42:54] should i regenerate it and send it to you? [09:43:21] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-to-upload-an-object-to-digital-ocean-spaces-using-python-boto3-library [09:43:34] import boto3 session = boto3.session.Session() client = session.client('s3', region_name='nyc3', endpoint_url='https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com', aws_access_key_id='ACCESS_KEY', aws_secret_access_key='SECRET_KEY') client.upload_file('/path/to/file.ext', # Path to local file 'my-space', # Name of Space [09:43:35] 'file.ext') # Name for remote file [09:43:46] python for uploading files to spaces [09:45:06] not sure what switch(es) are needed to make object public when uploading [09:45:09] check docs [09:45:43] https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/spaces/resources/s3cmd-usage/#make-all-the-files-at-a-path-public-recursively [09:45:55] https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/spaces/resources/s3cmd/ [09:46:03] looks like you can use s3cmd to upload to spaces [10:19:59] yes i think im uploading to digitalocean [18:27:01] Alex is already uploading to digital ocean, and didn't hang for me when I downloaded it [19:46:54] every time i tried downloading it over the past few weeks it has hung at the same exact spot, 1.79GB [23:06:04] the bootstrap looks wrong on digitalocean, it's only 754.2MB from what is showing in the GUI [23:06:10] and also the perms are set to private for some reason [23:06:24] https://nav.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/bootstrap/mainnet/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar [23:35:38] yeah folks are reporting the bootstrap is no longer working so now the issue is very visible [23:55:37] @mntyfrsh can you test this download link? see if it completes for you [23:55:38] https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/nav/bootstrap/mainnet_temp/bootstrap-22-11-2018.zip