[00:47:34] thanks @Matt (Dev) [01:04:48] @Matt (Dev) @aguycalled @zanuka I have been using postman to more quickly set up and test the daemon, while I'm investigating the voting bug. The nice side effect is I am building RPC documentation as I go. https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/3119275/RWTmtdT7#ca93cad0-fdc8-48de-a974-e38373f2dbcb [01:06:29] Im also saving examples as i go [01:06:39] nice [04:07:18] @paul do you know the version format to use for navcoin-qt -banversion=[version] ? [04:17:18] https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/pull/275 [08:50:00] the one between // [18:01:40] @paul can you elaborate a bit more about the bug of the voting periods, i am not able to replicate it [21:33:56] I the voting period seems to cycvle through 0 twice [21:34:03] I will double check tho [21:40:43] 23:40:29  cfundstats 23:40:29  { "funds": { "available": 1073.25020000, "locked": 20.00000000 }, "votingPeriod": { "starting": 900, "ending": 1080, "current": 913, "votedProposals": [ ], "votedPaymentrequests": [ ] } } 23:40:45  createproposal mwHPzv167ubCFZqTJDbzwayiCjfXdchP9k 100 36000 test 23:40:45  { "hash": [21:40:44] "dae3e5a604f1bec54d400b18f1a3210dc524e58161bb7a581c1591fd970f5ac5", "strDZeel": "{"n":10000000000,"a":"mwHPzv167ubCFZqTJDbzwayiCjfXdchP9k","d":36000,"s":"test","v":2}" } 23:40:50  generate 1 23:40:50  [ "1f344279fae3fce634e642b443e93df992e312fb81561cd5b8d7e3667e84316e" ] 23:40:55  getproposal dae3e5a604f1bec54d400b18f1a3210dc524e58161bb7a581c1591fd970f5ac5 23:40:55  { "version": 2, "hash": [21:40:44] "dae3e5a604f1bec54d400b18f1a3210dc524e58161bb7a581c1591fd970f5ac5", "description": "test", "requestedAmount": "100.00", "notPaidYet": "100.00", "userPaidFee": "0.0001", "paymentAddress": "mwHPzv167ubCFZqTJDbzwayiCjfXdchP9k", "proposalDuration": 36000, "votesYes": 0, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 0, "status": "pending" } 23:41:00  generate 180 23:41:02  [ [21:40:45] "0ebad2f359fcb1019342fd3e6940c87e2c9e73e6dd06a9ad26e33297a2c765b4", ] 23:41:04  getproposal dae3e5a604f1bec54d400b18f1a3210dc524e58161bb7a581c1591fd970f5ac5 23:41:04  { "version": 2, "hash": "dae3e5a604f1bec54d400b18f1a3210dc524e58161bb7a581c1591fd970f5ac5", "description": "test", "requestedAmount": "100.00", "notPaidYet": "100.00", "userPaidFee": "0.0001", "paymentAddress": "mwHPzv167ubCFZqTJDbzwayiCjfXdchP9k", [21:40:45] "proposalDuration": 36000, "votesYes": 0, "votesNo": 0, "votingCycle": 1, "status": "pending" } [21:41:35] @paul [21:43:44] ok.. [21:47:40] let me know if u can replicate it [21:47:48] i will run again