[00:05:38] how come "ALL" is lower than the other numbers? [00:05:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/476903848146108437/unknown.png [02:23:09] getting this on the current rc-4.3.0 dmg @paul [02:23:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/476938457193775115/Screen_Shot_2018-08-09_at_2.22.30_PM.png [02:24:34] @zanuka is that from my server? [02:27:08] it's from https://build.nav.community/v4.3.0-rc/ [02:27:55] forgot, will use yours.... lol 🤣 [02:28:38] [02:37:24] seems to be fine now [03:52:24] @aguycalled how often does the bootstrap file update? [08:20:32] cron job is set every 24h [10:32:07] Ok cool [15:40:32] @paul im rewriting CountVotes(), the votes are not correctly counted when the chain is rolled back [15:55:51] Them pesky orphans [20:16:51] @aguycalled ok cool. [20:16:59] im doing the last tests [20:17:02] ill commit it soon [20:17:42] Ok once you are done let me know and I will have a test. [20:18:37] i do something like [20:18:43] alias ncli=‘./src/navcoin-cli’;ncli generate 359; ncli donatefund 10000;export ADDRESS=`ncli getnewaddress`;export HASH=`ncli createproposal $ADDRESS 10 36000 test|perl -ne 'print "$1" if /"hash": "(.*?)"/'`;ncli generate 1;ncli proposalvote $HASH yes;ncli generate 179;ncli createpaymentrequest $HASH 10 test;ncli generate 182 [20:18:49] and then [20:19:06] invalidateblock hash [20:19:11] with the last block hashes [20:19:25] to check that the states are correctly reverted [20:19:49] Ok awesome [20:19:51] that means, the right amount of votes is deducted [20:19:57] the count of cycles [20:20:07] it moves correctly from expired/accepted/rejected to pending [20:20:08] etf [20:20:09] etc [20:28:29] Ok will build and test it for you once I'm back [20:32:16] @paul done [20:32:35] https://github.com/aguycalled/navcoin-core/commit/01cbf3484baf2652ca27c256a7e9c3d90d929362 [21:04:04] Great I will have a review and test. [23:12:06] I just kicking off a new gitian build for cfund [23:53:17] @paul @aguycalled I think we should make it clearer that our RC's are essentially beta software going forward [23:53:29] I feel like people who are downloading 4.3 don't realise this [23:54:41] I propose we do something simple like change the title of the software from NavCoin Core - Wallet to NavCoin Core - Wallet [BETA CLIENT] or something similar [23:54:54] Not sure what is the best label to pick [23:55:41] Like how when we're on the test net we can tell