[00:01:05] Where are we hosting the bootstrap? https://nav.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/bootstrap/mainnet/bootstrap-navcoin-mainnet.tar Isn't pointing to it anymore [00:01:17] The default url we display in the wallet for bootstrapping is wrong. [01:53:09] That's weird. It should be on digital ocean [01:53:54] I still think we should reset a redirect from something like NavCoin.org/bootstrap-mainnet [03:13:09] https://nav.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/bootstrap/mainnet/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar [03:13:20] this works for me [03:13:37] @Matt (Dev) did you fix it? [03:17:03] nope 🤔 [03:17:07] Works for me now too [03:17:24] I wonder if the bootstrap updated automagically [05:48:42] @aguycalled i have updates the or. [11:44:56] ok ill check it [20:09:53] everything looked good @paul [22:51:29] @aguycalled so can i merge? [22:51:46] or can you approve it when you are happy? [22:53:09] done [22:53:13] thanks