[09:01:38] I haven't yet it's pretty old I think [09:01:53] Just resurfacing after moving house last few days [09:01:57] I can check on it tomorrow [11:04:58] then it should ask u to reindex with the bootstrap @salmonskinroll, i will check today [15:19:08] FYI i was lauching with -bootstrap=http [16:48:05] @aguycalled [16:48:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/651449587265175553/unknown.png [16:48:19] but i think it's still running in the back since my debug log is still going [16:48:33] built locally with latset commit of PR 634 [16:49:48] or maybe it's because it didn't do reindex after bootstrap? [17:43:59] i think 1h23 is too short for a full verifychain [17:44:08] or is it 25h23? [17:44:20] what does the log say? [18:03:09] a lot of these 2019-12-03 16:07:53 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:54 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:54 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:55 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:55 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:56 ERROR: [18:03:10] GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 16:07:56 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value [18:03:21] after it give "false" [18:03:32] that means it did not reindex properly at launch [18:03:36] im going to look at that now [18:04:36] cool, that's what i am thinking as well. reindexing one of the node with latest commit of 634 and bootstrap at the moment. [18:05:20] because im also getting false for verifychain 4 100000 [18:29:11] @salmonskinroll when i run ./src/navcoind -printtoconsole -bootstrap=https://bootstrap.navcoin.org/bootstrap-navcoin_mainnet.tar it starts reindexing [18:36:01] Hmmmm [18:36:16] I'll do a clean start again and see if what it does [18:36:22] its still reindexing tho, ill check when its finished if i get those errors too [18:36:29] i know its reindexing looking at the log [18:36:44] I'm pretty sure mine didn't reindex. 99% sure [18:37:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/651477170853642262/unknown.png [18:53:52] okie dokie, im building now, we'll find out soon [19:17:21] wait i just realised i had reindex=1 on my config [19:23:06] lol [19:37:26] with the command you used, im getting a lot of these on my screen 2019-12-03 18:37:11 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:11 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:12 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:12 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:13 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read [19:37:27] value 2019-12-03 18:37:13 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:14 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value 2019-12-03 18:37:14 ERROR: GetAllPaymentRequests() : failed to read value [19:49:21] new commit @salmonskinrolI tested gui and headless with bootstrap [19:49:52] roger that, building now [20:06:52] confirms the daemon now notices old bootstrap. [20:07:03] both GUI and headless [20:25:25] i pushed a new commit so it only does reindex-chainstate instead of reindex [20:25:28] so its a bit faster [20:27:26] very nice, i started a reindex in the morning and it's still going [20:33:33] im running a copy of my script with a testnet node [20:41:29] i can try to run it on mainnet just because [20:41:58] itll be super slow, needs 20k+ blocks for going through a cycle [20:42:40] 20k? [20:42:53] 1 cycle is 1 week of blocks [20:42:57] 20160 iirc [20:43:19] right [20:43:33] hmm, i'll run it on a test node then [20:43:38] 😛 [21:16:29] okay, script up and running on a testnet node [21:16:57] i had to escape the > to get the output [21:17:19] oh, i left it in background & [21:17:22] where is the output [21:17:37] its printed to stdout [21:17:49] do you see something if u just run it? [21:17:59] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/651517507869343745/unknown.png [21:18:01] thats what i see [21:18:15] hmm i don't see anything [21:18:23] if u dont see u need to substitute > with \> [21:19:22] yup, seeing it now [21:19:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/651517935621505024/unknown.png [21:19:49] 👍 [21:20:15] if u do nohup bash script.sh & u leave it in the background and the output is written to nohup.out [21:20:49] sounds good [21:25:59] this can take weeks to run [21:27:53] how many blocks in a block cycle for testnet? [21:27:57] 180 [21:28:22] i might do a quick run with every other 180 blocks [22:12:32] it seems like when the script is running, the node is not getting new blocks right? since it's already so busy [22:13:19] yep, its unlikely it will get one but not impossible [22:14:57] btw im running this blocks=`$navcli getinfo|jq .blocks` cycles=$(bc <<< $blocks/180) for i in $(seq 1 $cycles); do j=$(bc <<< $i*180) verifyoutput=`$navcli verifychain 4 $j` if [[ "$verifyoutput" == "false" ]]; then verifyoutput+=`echo ' - ' && echo failed at $(grep 'ERROR: VerifyDB()' $datadir/devnet/debug.log |tail -1|sed 's/.*block at \(\d*\)/\1/')` fi echo Rewinding to \ $(bc <<< $blocks-$j) \ [22:14:57] - reconnecting up to $blocks \ - verifychain 4 $j -\> $verifyoutput; done [22:15:16] hoping that tomorrow it'll be somewhere close to finish [22:17:26] im running it block per block but yes it goes really slow [22:17:41] i=231 right now [22:19:05] yeah and the time it takes goes up per block to it'll probably take hours to verify something higher. even cutting corners like what im doing i think this will still take forever [22:19:39] im thinking to resync the node and stop it when it reaches block 41000, when the stress test finished [22:20:05] then run the script from there, without connections to other nodes (-connect=0) [22:20:32] there should be enough data to look at up to that block [22:21:02] yeah agreed, so there is no testing going on at the moment? why is it still so slow [22:21:43] theres no hi volume as in those blocks [22:22:33] that's a good idea, if you do that, can you save the data folder for me at height 41000? [22:22:44] or if i get to it ealier, i'll do the same [22:22:51] yes [22:22:58] invalidateblock fedbbaa9efd9794d825a0c304e102eb36042447452fabc035708b874cc538780 [22:23:00] would do the same [22:23:17] oh? [22:23:32] it rewinds the chain back to 41000 [22:23:40] interesting, let me try that [22:26:10] what does the server flag do when lauching daemon? [22:26:40] enables rpcserver iirc [22:26:49] ic [22:38:23] it's taking quite a while to invalidate blocks [22:39:37] yep [22:51:11] and now im getting couldn't connet to server again, this happens that an rpc command takes too long to execute. it is still going in the background though [23:01:43] is the last commit a performance optimization? should i recompile before running the script? [23:01:54] yep [23:02:02] should go ~twice faster [23:02:19] sweeeet. you think is debug=1 needed? [23:02:35] if you turn on debug=1 itll be as slow as before [23:02:43] ok [23:02:50] so in this case for this test its better off [23:14:35] im resyncing now [23:14:46] i got to 41000 with invalidating [23:14:56] you want the files? [23:15:08] ok [23:15:36] hmm, what's a good place to share 288 MB size of file [23:15:47] wetransfer [23:17:22] sending to alex@nav.community [23:17:27] 👍 [23:19:48] oh no [23:19:56] Corrupted block database detected. Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover. [23:21:20] what does the log say? [23:24:27] 2019-12-03 22:19:25 ConnectBlock: Checking prequest vote output CTxOut(nValue=0.00000000, scriptPubKey=OP_RETURN OP_CFUND OP_PREQ OP_NO 49e930ae7b7b24d4883bbddbad6e02f25118ef9791c11c7f74e679ce3c005f17) 2019-12-03 22:19:25 ERROR: IsValidPaymentRequest: Invalid requested amount for payment request e543809a92768ecb3dff4c303e65aedb7047a284917c438c29d60adcfd38593e (200000000 vs -14300000000 available) 2019-12-03 22:19:25 ERROR: [23:24:27] VerifyDB(): *** found unconnectable block at 40734, hash=dc278985ba0888b49c53bd1d3579473dc95e8ea99d120fc10c3c9017568adb1f 2019-12-03 22:19:25 : Corrupted block database detected. Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover. 2019-12-03 22:19:25 Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting. 2019-12-03 22:19:25 Interrupting HTTP server [23:24:51] doing a reindex-chainstate right now