[07:24:07] Yes, it only happens in gui, using commands you can use wallet 4.7.0. Cenava or Baytrail j1900 cpu(aliexpress) are generic computers, they have not gone well with 4.7.0 [07:26:41] With windows sure go well [07:29:01] Gigabyte Brix worked fine. It has only been checked in ubuntu [08:19:05] https://www.reddit.com/r/NavCoin/comments/d63s0z/staking_on_core_wallet/ [08:19:10] thoughts? [21:15:47] @prole are you still running testnet nodes? what version? [21:16:10] my nodes are staking normally re: the previous reddit post [22:09:34] ill have to check if they're still running. i havent updated to 4.7.0 [22:10:16] ive asked in the thread if they can provide their staking address so we can actually check how many stakes nav explorer reports [22:14:48] i see more than 50% difference between my best and worst staking days. fluctuations are normal [22:15:10] specially with low amount of coins