[08:15:50] @aguycalled @Juguelio suggested he'd like to be able to import existing cold staking keys to NavPool as opposed to being assigned a new cold staking address and sending funds. Is it possible to export the private key for a clod staking address? and if so, would it also ned to come with the private key for the associated staking address. [08:16:33] If it was possible, what issues could arise if an import coldstaking address was staking on the pool and privately on the users own stake box? [08:16:44] Could that result in a fork of the pool? [08:31:55] pivx has seen some issues because of double staking in two devices [08:32:13] juguelio can dumprivkey his staking key and send it to you [08:32:21] but i dont really see a reason for it [08:32:41] its better if priv keys even without spending rights are not broadcasted [08:43:32] Yeah, I think new privkeys should do. [10:06:43] My preference would be that nobody else knows the privkeys of the staking addresses, even the spending address holders. avoids any potential risks [10:13:59] yep [10:14:15] 👍 [18:37:04] what options do you use for ./configure when compiling navcoin-core on x86-64? i want to test the navdroid build scripts on x86. [18:47:57] -prefix= if you did make on depends/ before to build the dependencies [18:48:06] out of that nothing else should be needed [19:26:59] @mntyfrsh I think maybe you should check the gitian-linux.yml file [19:27:04] It should have all the info you need [19:27:26] It adds a few extra params for configure step [19:27:48] i will have a look [19:27:49] And some or the params are to lessen system dynamic links [19:27:57] Like static-stdc++ and the like [19:28:31] this is what i'm using for arm [19:28:33] ./configure CFLAGS="-O2 -mtune=cortex-a15.cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -mtune=cortex-a15.cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon" --enable-hardening --without-guiw [19:29:06] can you post the ./configure line you would use? [19:29:12] The new gitian-linux.yml on my PR 461 has updates for 32bit, 64bit and arm builds [19:29:28] I would just use the gitian configgure line 😄 [19:31:34] @mntyfrsh Check this out: https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core/blob/patch-5/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml [19:32:15] This line should be what interests you: https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core/blob/patch-5/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml#L176 [19:40:07] thanks [21:48:02] Please I want navcoin-core latest wallet link [21:52:52] @cryptoeye NavCoin.org [21:53:33] 👌