[02:17:48] what version of debian are you guys using for gitian @aguycalled @mxaddict ? I was just trying to rebuild mine and it appears the 8.x repository mirrors no longer support packages for 8.x [02:18:06] I've just installed debian 9.9 and am trying to go through the gitian setup process now [06:07:49] No problem, I will test also. [06:07:56] it looks like the RC has finished building for all OS except MacOSX. You can get the binaries here: https://build.nav.community/v4.6.0-rc/ [06:08:15] I will post again when OSX has finished, but thought i would let people know they can test windows & linux [06:24:27] OSX is done now too [06:35:49] regarding the gitian build, i'm getting this LXC error when running the scripts. I remember i had the same issue last time i setup my gitian VM but can't remember how to overcome it [06:35:52] --- Building for trusty amd64 --- Stopping target if it is up Making a new image copy lxc-execute: start.c: lxc_spawn: 1079 Failed to find gateway addresses. lxc-execute: start.c: __lxc_start: 1346 Failed to spawn container "gitian". ./bin/gbuild:21:in `system!': failed to run make-clean-vm --suite trusty --arch amd64 (RuntimeError) from ./bin/gbuild:58:in `build_one_configuration' from ./bin/gbuild:309:in `block (2 levels) in [06:35:52]
' from ./bin/gbuild:304:in `each' from ./bin/gbuild:304:in `block in
' from ./bin/gbuild:302:in `each' from ./bin/gbuild:302:in `
' mv: cannot stat 'build/out/navcoin-*-osx.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat 'build/out/navcoin-*.tar.gz': No such file or directory mv: cannot stat 'build/out/navcoin-*.dmg': No such file or directory sha256sum: '*': No such file or directory [06:36:48] ive run the LXC workarounds here: https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/blob/master/doc/gitian-building.md#setting-up-debian-for-gitian-building [06:59:03] I'm testing navcoin-qt windows 4.6.0 RC now [06:59:07] So far looks good [06:59:40] ive tried OSX. seems like everything is working [06:59:47] Nice [07:00:04] ive also added all the PR's over the last couple of days to the release notes [07:00:23] @prole any luck with that QT build with gitian? [07:00:37] my gitian isnt working at the moment [07:01:11] my old gitian VM used to work, but now it dies trying to curl the freetype library for the depends [07:01:22] i dont know why, i can curl the same URL from the terminal [07:01:27] but it dies when gitian tries [07:01:40] so ive been rebuilding the VM today from scratch [07:01:49] but i couldnt install debian 8 as per the gitian docs [07:02:07] because the repository doesnt seems to be there to install using the web install [07:02:12] so im trying with 9 [07:02:31] and im pretty much got everything setup and ready to go but im just hitting that error with the LXC container atm [07:03:24] Seems that the build for my branch (https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core/tree/patch-5) has some sort of issue with the Makefiles 1. I can build on a docker image (debian:latest) 2. My ubuntu system 18.04 fails to build, seems the commands sent to g++ have an issue with either the libs included, or the order of the libs [07:03:35] im gonna have to call it a night soon, its friday night here and my GF just got home from work [07:04:02] I've elemenated the following as suspects (make, g++, libtool) [07:04:20] i have a seperate 18.04 environment that can build [07:04:42] Can you test on 18.04 and let me know if it builds or fails? [07:04:49] sure [07:04:52] Thanks [07:04:53] its what ive been testing the PR's on [07:04:58] so i assume it will work [07:05:02] and the GUI was building okay [07:05:11] but ill try the 4.6.0-rc branch [07:05:33] Well, my 18.04 works for all the other branches as well, but my branch with updated depends will not build on it. [07:05:47] which branch [07:05:57] master/4.6.0 RC works fine on my 18.04 [07:06:06] But https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core/tree/patch-5 will fail to build [07:06:20] okay i can try your branch [07:07:23] Thanks prole [07:07:32] ill kick off a build, then i gotta go have dinner etc with my partner [07:07:35] Maybe you can point me in the right direction 😄 [07:07:37] but ill check back later and report [07:07:45] Thanks, you da man! [07:16:51] what was the outcome of your build? it completed but the GUI didnt compile? or something else [07:16:54] an error? [08:57:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/573795145267544065/Screen_Shot_2019-05-03_at_8.56.50_PM.png [08:57:10] @mxaddict [09:12:25] are you using the depends folder or your system dependencies? @prole [09:31:03] system deps [09:32:37] just running git clone https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core.git mx-core cd mx-core git checkout patch-5 ./autogen.sh ./configure make [09:36:47] might be the qt version ur system has [09:39:12] @prole that looks like your building with system QT [09:44:45] Try using the QT in depends [10:16:59] @prole try this scenario git clone https://github.com/mxaddict/navcoin-core.git mx-core cd mx-core git checkout patch-5 cd ./depends make cd .. ./autogen.sh ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/depends/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu make [10:17:07] This is the scenario that was failing for me [11:10:40] My Ubuntu setup (Fails) GNU Make 4.1 g++ (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04) 7.4.0 libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.6 autoreconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69 pkg-config 0.29.1 Debian (Works) GNU Make 4.1 g++ (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516 libtoolize (GNU libtool) 2.4.6 autoreconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69 pkg-config 0.29 [11:11:35] @aguycalled @prole any ideas on what other tools I should check? [11:52:46] I seem to have found a difference in the make -n output [12:48:15] Looks like the issue might be cause by pkg-config version [12:48:30] I'm still investigating, will report back once I confirm it 😄 [14:32:07] @prole @aguycalled I found the issue, WEW 😄 [14:32:17] I pushed the fix to my PR branch [14:41:11] Hey @mxaddict great work this week!!! Welcome on board [14:41:26] Do you reckon you can add atomic swaps in Nav? [14:41:27] @Juguelio thanks! 😄 [14:41:35] It would be a great community fund project [14:42:13] I don't think I have the knowledge to do that, since I don;t even know what you mean 😄 [14:42:24] Maybe a bit more info on what atomic swaps are?? [14:43:40] https://blockgeeks.com/guides/atomic-swaps/ [14:56:31] 👏 @aguycalled @prole @mxaddict 👏 [14:58:01] im running 4.6 on a ubuntu vps, seemingly without a hitch. [14:59:35] amazing, sync'ed from scratch? [14:59:45] bootstrap? reusing odl sync? [15:14:42] just fired it up on top of previous .navcoin4 . was that not the way to do it? 😄 [15:15:34] im not forked, log isnt screaming at me, am synced, staking is active, all systems go (?) [15:24:41] that's completely ok, just for the record [15:26:15] so are you able to build locally now? @mxaddict [16:17:32] mine worked too, on windows 7, and cfund filter working too [18:54:25] @aguycalled , yes! 😄 [18:54:40] Finally nailed the issue in the but 😄 [18:55:00] I have a few more changes to that branch, then I will submit for review! 😄 [18:59:39] On side note, I have tested 4.6.0 RC on Linux (QT), Linux (Navcoind) and Windows (QT), all wallets working as expected for me! [19:00:42] amazing 😃 [19:01:56] How do I start up a local navcoind on testnet? [19:02:13] I tried the -testnet cli option [19:02:20] But it did not find peers and did not sync [19:02:23] i only run testnet nodes on the 5.0.0 branch [19:02:26] with zeroct [19:03:19] I see [19:03:43] So no testnet nodes that are running for 4.5.2? [19:05:44] nope, not on my side [19:52:57] @mxaddict i just put a 4.6 testnet node up 🤗 [19:53:11] @caffeine IP? 😃 [19:53:19] do we need to do addnode or sth to find eachother? [19:53:31] yeah [19:53:32] Yeah, I think so [19:54:14] @mxaddict DMed 📬 [19:54:50] 🍿 [19:55:19] will switch to 4.5.2 if thats what youre interested in [20:00:14] @caffeine I can't seem to connect to your node [20:01:58] who built the Makefile for navcoin-core? [20:02:19] Makefile is created when you run autogen.sh [20:02:46] i'm doing some testing. putting together navcoin-core into a deb package for ubuntu and need to figure out how to have 'make install' copy a file to a location [20:02:59] going to add a systemd init script that i need make to copy as part of the install [20:03:15] i'm not familiar with Makefile customizations though [20:03:30] i imagine it's pretty straightforward. just need to figure out how to do it. [20:03:45] it would be great if we could automate the .deb package creation on gitian [20:03:51] so it is part of every release [20:04:34] @aguycalled , yes, that would be nice [20:04:44] And maybe push .deb to a ppa? 😃 [20:04:50] yup [20:04:57] So can be installed on debian/ubuntu nicely 😄 [20:05:00] looking at autogen.sh i'm not seeing anythign useful [20:05:01] 😉 [20:05:19] @mntyfrsh autogen calls libtoolize and autoreconf [20:05:24] i'm planning on packaging navcoin-angular and navcoin-express as well so we can have packages for navdroid [20:05:30] Which read various files [20:05:35] Like the Makefile.am [20:05:47] ok here's basically what i want to do [20:06:01] add a systemd init script to the navcoin-core repo [20:06:34] have 'make install' copy that systemd init file to /etc/systemd/system/ directory [20:06:36] that's it [20:06:43] I think you can check how bitcoin-core does that [20:06:48] Might get some ideas [20:06:55] it's not a bitcoin specific thing [20:07:00] If I remember correctly, they have systemd integration [20:07:02] just a generic packaging issue [20:07:09] its something new in 0.18 i think [20:07:16] i can create a systemd init script from scratch [20:07:17] or at least improved [20:07:48] @mntyfrsh what I mean is the code in the Makefiles to copy it 😄 [20:07:52] so far i've got the entire package build process for navcoin-core working to create a deb [20:08:00] needs systemd init script [20:08:14] then i can move on to packaging navcoin-angular and navcoin-express [20:08:51] we can duplicate this for ubuntu x86-64 deb packages as well [20:09:21] will need to do some tuning to configure dependencies in the package configs, but that's a task for later [20:09:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/416000318149754881/573964461455704075/navcoin-core_4.5.2-1_armhf.deb [20:10:04] installs to /usr/local/ [20:10:47] you can view the package contents with 'dpkg -c navcoin-core_4.5.2-1_armhf.deb' [20:10:57] https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/tree/master/contrib/init [20:11:13] cool thx [20:11:27] i already have code i created for navpay that i think i based this off of [20:11:52] Ahh, so what is lacking is the copy step? [20:12:00] yes, that's it [20:12:20] Maybe a simple bash file will do, no need to integrate into the main makefile system [20:12:21] i mean, i have to create the actual raw systemd init script, but that'll take me 5 minutes once i get around to it [20:12:48] postinstall script could work as well. just need to figure out how to set it up [20:13:25] Yeah, I think that would be less effort to integrate [20:13:26] what i'm trying to do is completely automate the navdroid image build process [20:13:41] I see [20:14:03] i can go sloppy and just checkout code from git, but i'd rather package things up and have nice init scripts [20:15:12] building navcoin-core takes close to an hour on the navdroid so i'd like to avoid having to build navcoin-core everytime we do a new image build. this way we can just install the package from an apt repo and be done in a few minutes instead of an hour when we test new builds. [20:17:43] Hmm, navdroid is running what os? [20:17:51] @aguycalled i may be going to berlin in June [20:18:09] navdroid runs ubuntu 18.04 with a custom kernel [20:18:19] arm or x86? [20:18:40] you could just do a wget from the github releases? 😄 [20:18:51] Shouldn't that solve the issue for now? [20:19:23] https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-xu4/os_images/linux/ubuntu_4.14/ubuntu_4.14 [20:19:44] we've been using git to pull the latest updates [20:20:12] it works, but it's not what i would consider a solid approach going forward [20:20:37] navdroid runs arm [20:21:22] oh cool, drop a line if you come [20:24:38] ok guys here's the plan [20:24:50] i'm working on a windows laptop and it's driving me nuts [20:25:36] how much do you think might be approved for a community fund proposal to work on the navdroid build and package up the software? 4000 NAV? [20:25:55] right now 5000 NAV will buy a macbook pro 13" [20:26:18] i might just order one regardless [20:55:15] Depends on how long it takes i guess. usually with CF proposals i try to justify the cost as X hours for Y NAV per hour [20:55:46] but i think continuing work on the NavDroid is a worthwhile community proposal [20:55:55] i would vote for it [20:57:35] the amount of NAV would depend if it includes continued development of the software itself or only packaging for deb [20:58:33] 5000 NAV is only about $1000 USD at the moment, so its not crazy to ask for that amount or more [21:00:17] how are we all feeling about 4.6.0-rc [21:00:46] evrything went goodo n my tests [21:00:49] how are we all feeling about 4.6.0-rc? @here [21:00:57] cool [21:01:28] i would still really like to get at least 1 other gitian environment up and running so we can confirm the hashes match [21:01:45] but apart from that i think we are ready to merge [21:02:15] i see you guys already approved the PR [21:02:19] should i merge it in now? [21:02:26] and we can start to build master [21:03:57] i think so [21:07:22] merged [21:07:48] when should exchanges be notified ? [21:08:22] we should gitian build master on at least 2 instances, verify hashes, make the release tag [21:08:49] then we can notify the exchanges, update the website etc [21:10:33] we don't provide binaries to exchanges [21:10:35] they self build [21:10:39] yeah i know [21:11:00] but we should verify the binary hashes on the release tag anyway [21:11:04] so they can confirm [21:11:10] so it does not really matter the integrity of the binaries as they wont use them [21:12:49] i think we should still verify and publish the hashes so they can confirm their builds match [21:12:54] or no? [21:14:02] mmm [21:14:11] we will publish the hash of a targz [21:14:15] they will get a binary after build [21:14:22] they cant compare it [21:14:34] okay [21:14:43] i will keep working on my gitian today as well [21:14:58] i have drafted the release [21:15:01] i can publish it now [21:15:05] hash consistence is important before the binaries are released [21:15:17] but for cloning the repo and building it is ready [21:15:22] which is exchanges case [21:15:35] okay [21:15:40] ive published the release [21:15:41] https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/releases/tag/4.6.0 [21:15:46] they can clone that tag [21:15:54] and we can attach binaries once we can confirm the hashes [21:16:11] ok, ill notify polo and bittrex then [21:16:20] great, and binance [21:16:30] then ill go through the rest of the due diligence list myself [21:16:35] later today [21:16:40] i just have to pop out for an hour or so [21:16:44] ttyl [23:02:04] Got first stake on 4.6. Everything is 🆗 so far! Thanks for kicking arse