[00:04:20] @paul my ./configure detects unbound after running make on depends [00:26:20] @aguycalled I was able to get everything compiling (qt build as well) w/ Matt's new guide in PR, I think he was going to make a few more edits though... [00:26:58] although I haven't tried on the new branches [00:36:38] @paul the right branch to test the community fund is cfund-db - i just committed some patches [00:36:46] nice [00:36:48] thanks [03:37:54] @aguycalled did you start the gitial build again? [03:38:42] for this https://build.nav.community/cfund-db/ [03:39:44] as i see the rc branch has rebuilt, but not the cfund one [03:39:45] 😃 [03:44:13] actually going to finish setting up my own gitian server, I need one anyway [06:55:56] also can you send me your gitian build script [07:34:30] ok i have gitian building now [07:36:10] i can build something like v4.3.0-rc, but when i choose the cfund-db like ./bin/gbuild --memory 3000 --commit navcoin-core=cfund-db ../navcoin-core/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-arm.yml [07:36:40] i get fatal: ambiguous argument 'cfund-db': unknown revision or path not in the working tree [07:41:22] anyway im just letting 4.3.0-rc linux build for my first gitian test run [08:21:22] @aguycalled more or less, I just want to tweak the readme again I will do it today [09:30:51] @paul that branch is on my repo [09:51:36] Yea I have that one. [09:51:55] It says is is checked out. [10:08:53] testing the 4.3.0 for few days (win 10 - 64 bit), look working great, no fake notification of stacking. I just have few suggestion, the link for the bootsrap should be incorporated and autoupdated (will be very nice) so no need to insert it manually, than i try to disconnect during the bootstrap and when i do it again it start from the beginning and after a few block it stop, so i have to delete the old file in order to start the [10:08:53] download again (maybe it's just my case i dont know), than i noticed that some user are confused about the stacking transaction because they see in the transaction (the one displayed on the right side) with the total ammount (0.25 for the cfund included) included, but in the stacking ammount they see accreditated "only" the remaining part so someone think it's a problem, will be nice maybe show just the ammount that the user recive in the wallet [10:08:54] on the transaction on the right side. [10:13:06] @aguycalled the site dont allow me to check the verification and there are 10 strings that i cant translate i dont know why... [10:16:11] you need to add --url navcoin-core=http://www.github.com/aguycalled/navcoin-core to gbuild [10:16:15] @paul [10:16:21] @Nanda | MasterNodes LA should be reviewed now [10:23:38] Thanks! [10:24:54] how i can translate also? [11:03:47] could you please create issues on github so we can review it? @Andrea7 [11:04:12] to translate you need to join at http://www.transifex.com/navcoin [12:00:08] @aguycalled great thanks for that... working now. and by 4.3.0 test build through. [12:01:33] so looks like we have another gitian builder - woop [12:01:47] will get mike to setup his own one as well [12:03:17] also i had not issues with unbound on the branch as well in my devnet tests today [12:03:22] so happy there [12:04:48] amazing [12:05:25] @aguycalled sorry im new on that can you or someone can explain me better how to do it, thanks im not a dev at all, just a curious user and want to contribute 😉 [12:06:58] you just need to create an account an then the issue at https://github.com/NAVCoin/navcoin-core/issues/new [12:09:21] ok, thanks im in now for the tranlation website, i will do it also on github [12:13:23] i just request to join for the ita translation [12:18:53] accepted your request [12:19:14] thx! 😉 [12:20:54] i just subitted also an issue on github please take a look if is ok like this [12:21:17] user Andrea4Nav [12:42:42] yes 😉 [12:49:58] ok perfect, i can open an issue if i find something that i like to modify also? like suggestion? [12:50:17] or just report the bug/problems ? [14:36:25] suggestions are accepted too [14:38:14] I applied for french translation too [14:38:23] But havent access [17:36:43] i did not get your request, can you do it again? @Nanda | MasterNodes LA [23:23:59] @prole @paul @Matt (Dev) @Ro @zanuka i've created a new branch on my repo https://github.com/aguycalled/navcoin-core/tree/inject-tx-blocks featuring new rpc commands to make it easier to try to hack the fund/inject malicious blocks/txs the new rpc commands are: - setcoinbasestrdzeel -> to set an arbitrary value for the strdzeel of the coinbase of the next generated block (strdzeel of the coinbase is used to refer the payment [23:23:59] requests the block is paying) - setcoinstakestrdzeel -> to set an arbitrary value for the strdzeel of the coinstake of the next generated block - coinbaseoutputs -> takes an array of hex-coded outputs, and adds them as outputs to the coinbase of the next generated block (outputs of the coinbase are used to vote for proposals/payment requests and to make payments) - coinstakeoutputs -> takes an array of hex-coded outputs, and adds them as outputs [23:24:00] to the coinstake of the next generated block - forcetransactions -> takes an array of hex-coded transactions and adds them to the next generated block without validating them - staking -> takes a boolean as argument and lets to toggle the staking thread on the fly on top of that, i modified createrawtransaction syntax to also admit adding outputs with customs scripts instead of addresses. also modified the meaning of the 4th parameter. by [23:24:00] default the value is -1. if the value is >= 0, instead of dumping the raw transaction, it'll dump the output at index n of the created transaction (so it's easier to isolate outputs to inject them later on the coinbase or coinstake) we can have a videocall where i showcase you how to use it. when does it fit you better? [23:25:14] Sick dude [23:25:58] Btw can you explain how the generate command works, how do we arbitrarily generate a valid block [23:26:12] generate number_of_blocks [23:26:24] generate 1 -> generates 1 block [23:26:33] yeah iget that [23:26:35] generate 100 -> generates 100 blocks [23:26:35] I mean [23:26:48] Our difficulty spaces blocks so they're every 30 seconds [23:26:59] How does generate ignore this [23:27:04] that works for proof of stake blocks, generate does a proof of work block [23:27:15] Ohhh [23:27:41] doesn't that run into a similar issue [23:28:43] Like if our diff is low then generating the pow is easy but if we generate 50 then difficulty would rise wouldn't it? Making PoW harder [23:29:05] we don't adjust difficulty for pow blocks [23:29:13] Gotcha [23:29:42] Alles klar